Great minds think alike! I haven't made these in I don't know how many years--and I was thinking that I need to make some! This plum jelly turned out so pretty!
ah, you have just thrown me back, way back to my youth. plums were one of my grandmother's most favorite fruits. she used to call them 'english plums', the ones with the really purple skin. and each christmas she would make her famous plum pudding. over the years she started sneaking more and more rum into the glaze until we could barely make it up from the table.
They are just little wild plums that grow in the fence rows. They never get very tall and usually form a thicket. They are about the size of a "shooter" marble.
I'm about to order a Santa Rosa plum tree - or two! Also want to get a blood orange tree. My neighbor brought me some of her's a few weeks ago. Oh man, are they good!!!
They are a low-chill variety plum that does very well in this area. Decided against 'ordering' them - shipping was more than the trees - yikes! We do have a very nice nursery within 20 miles of here that stocks plants that do well locally. I'll head over to in a couple weeks and just pick out what I need.