Metal or Shingle roof?


New Member
Oct 26, 2006
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We'll probably get through one more year with our old roof, then it will need to be replaced.

Metal roofs look wonderful, but cost alot more than shiingles.

Any thoughts about these types?


New Member
Nov 14, 2006
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I myself have wondered about metal roofing. My question is, and it may seem silly, But does it make alot of noise when it rains? Will you be hearing the loud sounds of the rain inside your home? What exactly does it cost to have a metal roof placed and what is the comparison monetarily to shingle roofing? I know that it is said to last much longer than the shingles. Does anyone have any knowledge concerning metal roofing?


New Member
Dec 26, 2006
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Thank you for that! We want a metal roof very badly; we like the look, they raise the value of the house, and yes, the sound of rain is louder; but my husband and I both like that.


New Member
Sep 20, 2007
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Great article, the metal roof, even though more expensive is the ideal thing, it's easily installed and has a lifetime value. Most importantly is the lovely sound of the rain. You are going to enjoy it.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
I vote for metal roof every time. In April of 2023, the shingle roof on my double wide manufactured home was damaged by a hailstorm. That’s when I found out that insurance companies snuck in some changes. They no longer value the roof on our homes. I had full replacement value on my home, but that no longer applies to the roof. The adjuster depreciated my roof.

I roofed houses one summer in my early twenties, desperate for a job. Thought I was gonna die. But I gained valuable knowledge and experience that served me well over the years, allowing me to save money by roofing my own house several times. Having been screwed over by the insurance company, now I really did need to do the roof myself. I am female, in June of 2023, I was 68 years old. A man at church couldn’t bear the thought of me doing all that work by myself and volunteered to help. He and several others showed up on a Saturday and we tore the roof off. I had a 20 yard roll off box set at the end of the house, making it convenient to toss shingles into. That first Saturday we got all the shingles off, nails pulled, roof swept clean and covered with 4 big tarps.

There were some sheets of OSB that were rotted at the edges. A neighbor took his Wednesday off to help me tear off the sheets of OSB and toss them in the roll off box. We discovered ends of the rafters were rotted too. I cut a 2x4 into lengths and screwed them above the rotted part and at the ends. Then we put down 1/2” plywood and the roof was ready for more work. But it was June in East Texas and 100F degrees. We had to stop often, go sit in the shade of the back porch and drink lots of water and lemonade. We stopped and covered the roof with the tarps.

The next morning I peeled back the tarps and rolled out the underlayment paper. I upgraded from the tar paper to the better stuff. I texted a friend that I was on the roof, I’d text her in one hour to let her know I hadn’t fallen off. If she didn’t hear from me, call me. If I didn’t answer, call me an ambulance. LOL I had a text buddy every time I went up on the roof for safety’s sake. It was so hot, I could only get a few courses rolled out before I had to cover the roof and quit.


On Saturday, only one guy could show up and he said we were going to finish the underlayment paper. We took plenty of water breaks and I had a pitcher of lemonade. It was hot. East Texas was in a drought with 100+ degrees. We did finish, by 1:30 that afternoon. We rolled the tarps back over the roof.


I had purchased shingles, trailer was parked, still unloaded. At church, the men convinced me I should use metal. So I called to price it. For only THREE HUNDRED MORE DOLLARS I could have a metal roof! I ordered it and took the shingles back for a refund. I picked up the metal. I had ordered rolls of radiant heat barrier and was ready to put that down. I was advised to use 2x4 lath strips instead of 1x4 lath strips, to give the screws holding the metal on, more to grip. Made sense to me.

So that week, I leaned 10 foot 2x4’s against the porch roof, climbed halfway up the ladder, grabbed the 2x4’s and tossed them on the porch roof. I used them to cleat the radiant heat barrier the roof. I got the back side of the roof ready that week.



My friend from church showed up on Saturday with his grandson and his neighbor. His neighbor had done metal roofs before, none of us had. His name was Ken. He didn’t even know me, but he came to help. Grandson shoved metal up to the men on the roof, they carefully positioned it and screwed it down, top and bottom. I went behind them, putting screws in the metal. Again 100F plus degrees, made hotter by the metal, we took lots of cool off water and lemonade breaks. By noon we had the back side of the roof covered with metal.


That following week, I prepared the front side of the roof with radiant heat barrier and 2x4 strips. The guys came back on Saturday and we got the front side of the roof on and the ridge cap by nearly 2:00.


Roofing crew


My insurance check was a measly $4200. I spent every bit plus more on upgrades and repairs using much better materials. Now I have a forever roof and won’t have to do this again. The radiant heat barrier lowered my air conditioning bill by $50 a month.

I recommend a metal roof over shingles any day of the week.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
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Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
I vote for metal roof every time. In April of 2023, the shingle roof on my double wide manufactured home was damaged by a hailstorm. That’s when I found out that insurance companies snuck in some changes. They no longer value the roof on our homes. I had full replacement value on my home, but that no longer applies to the roof. The adjuster depreciated my roof.

I roofed houses one summer in my early twenties, desperate for a job. Thought I was gonna die. But I gained valuable knowledge and experience that served me well over the years, allowing me to save money by roofing my own house several times. Having been screwed over by the insurance company, now I really did need to do the roof myself. I am female, in June of 2023, I was 68 years old. A man at church couldn’t bear the thought of me doing all that work by myself and volunteered to help. He and several others showed up on a Saturday and we tore the roof off. I had a 20 yard roll off box set at the end of the house, making it convenient to toss shingles into. That first Saturday we got all the shingles off, nails pulled, roof swept clean and covered with 4 big tarps.

There were some sheets of OSB that were rotted at the edges. A neighbor took his Wednesday off to help me tear off the sheets of OSB and toss them in the roll off box. We discovered ends of the rafters were rotted too. I cut a 2x4 into lengths and screwed them above the rotted part and at the ends. Then we put down 1/2” plywood and the roof was ready for more work. But it was June in East Texas and 100F degrees. We had to stop often, go sit in the shade of the back porch and drink lots of water and lemonade. We stopped and covered the roof with the tarps.

The next morning I peeled back the tarps and rolled out the underlayment paper. I upgraded from the tar paper to the better stuff. I texted a friend that I was on the roof, I’d text her in one hour to let her know I hadn’t fallen off. If she didn’t hear from me, call me. If I didn’t answer, call me an ambulance. LOL I had a text buddy every time I went up on the roof for safety’s sake. It was so hot, I could only get a few courses rolled out before I had to cover the roof and quit.

View attachment 29138

On Saturday, only one guy could show up and he said we were going to finish the underlayment paper. We took plenty of water breaks and I had a pitcher of lemonade. It was hot. East Texas was in a drought with 100+ degrees. We did finish, by 1:30 that afternoon. We rolled the tarps back over the roof.

View attachment 29139

I had purchased shingles, trailer was parked, still unloaded. At church, the men convinced me I should use metal. So I called to price it. For only THREE HUNDRED MORE DOLLARS I could have a metal roof! I ordered it and took the shingles back for a refund. I picked up the metal. I had ordered rolls of radiant heat barrier and was ready to put that down. I was advised to use 2x4 lath strips instead of 1x4 lath strips, to give the screws holding the metal on, more to grip. Made sense to me.

So that week, I leaned 10 foot 2x4’s against the porch roof, climbed halfway up the ladder, grabbed the 2x4’s and tossed them on the porch roof. I used them to cleat the radiant heat barrier the roof. I got the back side of the roof ready that week.

View attachment 29140

View attachment 29141

My friend from church showed up on Saturday with his grandson and his neighbor. His neighbor had done metal roofs before, none of us had. His name was Ken. He didn’t even know me, but he came to help. Grandson shoved metal up to the men on the roof, they carefully positioned it and screwed it down, top and bottom. I went behind them, putting screws in the metal. Again 100F plus degrees, made hotter by the metal, we took lots of cool off water and lemonade breaks. By noon we had the back side of the roof covered with metal.

View attachment 29142

That following week, I prepared the front side of the roof with radiant heat barrier and 2x4 strips. The guys came back on Saturday and we got the front side of the roof on and the ridge cap by nearly 2:00.

View attachment 29143

Roofing crew

View attachment 29144

My insurance check was a measly $4200. I spent every bit plus more on upgrades and repairs using much better materials. Now I have a forever roof and won’t have to do this again. The radiant heat barrier lowered my air conditioning bill by $50 a month.

I recommend a metal roof over shingles any day of the week.
Excellent work, you won't need to replace that roof anytime soon. 👍 I was happy to see old shingle tear off. I've read of how metal over shingles is a big no no from a fire perspective. I also did roofing in my late teens, most all shingles and a little bit of flat roof mopping tar.

Jesus is Lord and Christ ✝️
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Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
when i was taking bids for reroofing here the cost of a metal roof was more than 1/3 the cost of the house. i would have loved having a better roof that i'd never have to worry about redoing ever again, but that price was too much for me to cover at that time. and i could not do it myself to save on the expense.

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