Recent content by Chic Rustler

  1. Chic Rustler

    What did you do in your garden today?

    just got lucky. we had alot of rain. so much in fact that i was planning on them all being rotten. got a little lazy this year and used commercial fertilizer granules.
  2. Chic Rustler

    What did you do in your garden today?

    did alot of harvesting today. weve had so much rain that i havent been in the garden much and the weeds have taken over. hopefully no rain tomorrow
  3. Chic Rustler

    cooking for a type 1 diabetic

    things are goimg well. hes putting on wieght and starting to grow again. a little bit of a lifestyle change but not much. we are learning little tricks here and there that help. for example this morning he wanted donuts so we dosed him 8 minutes before the meal and didnt have a huge BG spike.
  4. Chic Rustler

    Mysterious chick loses

    meat birds are in the tractor.
  5. Chic Rustler

    cooking for a type 1 diabetic

    he ran low last night and continued the trend all day so i pulled out the sweet potatoes! last time the hit like a frieght train and didnt let up til around 3am. hopefully his low trend will be over. dinner tonight was 15 been soup, a large salad, wheat bread toast and a cup of sweet potatoes...
  6. Chic Rustler

    cooking for a type 1 diabetic

    pecan pie is my jam! ill eat a whole pie in one sitting. lol luckily we dont have them often or i would be type 2. 😆
  7. Chic Rustler

    cooking for a type 1 diabetic

    man! now i really want cheesecake!
  8. Chic Rustler

    cooking for a type 1 diabetic

    he loves all of them. we havent been having desserts lately because i dont want to push my luck but we will. id love to get recipes. remember we have to count total carbs tho.
  9. Chic Rustler

    cooking for a type 1 diabetic

    all they told me was give the kid whatever he wants and dose him accordingly. im aure i will get more education when we go to diabetic class next month. pasta does suck tho. seems it hits about the same time as the NV starts winding down. so when it comes to pasta we try moderation. a little...
  10. Chic Rustler

    cooking for a type 1 diabetic

    seems the sensor just needed time. its right in the money today. hes still trending high. may need a ratio change but thats for the experts to handle. tonight we had pasta with meat sauce, a salad with lettuce, spinach, cabbage and carrots, amd steamed broccoli. 75 carbs. i tried doesing...
  11. Chic Rustler

    cooking for a type 1 diabetic

    we arent eligable for a pump for a year and theres good reason for that. we are still learning the basics
  12. Chic Rustler

    cooking for a type 1 diabetic

    this CGM has been a nightmare. it made all of our phones alert to high BG. when i tested at 11 it was a little high ao i retested him at 1130 amd it rose 25 points. the poor kid has gotten ao used to getting his fingure pricked he slept right threw it. anyhow so i decided to call the urgent...
  13. Chic Rustler

    cooking for a type 1 diabetic

    also im not sure if we always wait the whole 15 mins before eating. im gonna start setting a timer.
  14. Chic Rustler

    cooking for a type 1 diabetic

    thanks! we are using the dexcom 7. they say sometimes it takes 24 hours for it to get right. i guess we will know tomorrow after he gets home from school. tomorrow is his first day back. we have a meeting with the nurse. she seems to be on top of it. the school menu has a carb count and we...