Recent content by chickenvirgin

  1. C

    How are the gas prices in your area?

    $1.30 a litre here in Canada......everything is more expensive here.......
  2. C

    fish meal, peanutbutter, etc. for chooks

    My free range laying hens are pretty lean too, I think that is just the nature of the beast. Now saying that......I feed my hens all the left overs from the house and that includes the fats from making stocks weither it's chicken or beef and bacon fat and they are still thin. I have noticed...
  3. C

    Advise request

    Have you had a tenus shot lately?
  4. C

    Melt & Pour Soap Making Formula

    The company that you buy the melt and pour from should also have the perscentages allowed when adding extra oils, essensil oils or fragrance oils. Going over the limits could affect the end product.