Finnie's latest activity

  • Finnie
    Finnie reacted to Mini Horses's post in the thread Food prices June 2021 with Like Like.
    Yrs back I raised 2 turkeys, both toms. Ate more than any animal I had, comparative to size. Butchered out over 25#each. I keep...
  • Finnie
    Finnie reacted to CrealCritter's post in the thread Food prices June 2021 with Like Like.
    My I mean FB's turkey hens are horrible mommas, unless they hatch ducklings, then they are awesome mommas. Jesus is Lord and Christ ✝️
  • Finnie
    Finnie reacted to Mini Horses's post in the thread Food prices June 2021 with Like Like.
    Move over you billionaires, got 5 more tonight. :lol: :lol: I already have 2 bators. Might set a load this weekend, if laying...
  • Finnie
    Finnie reacted to CrealCritter's post in the thread Food prices June 2021 with Like Like.
    We are getting a incubator. Two differnt sized trays for turkey and chicken eggs. Jesus is Lord and Christ ✝️
  • Finnie
    Finnie reacted to Mini Horses's post in the thread Food prices June 2021 with Haha Haha.
    I'm rich beyond words! 😁 Plus a philanthropist! So far the morning crew have given me 10 eggs. I've given away 4 dz in past few days...
  • Finnie
    Finnie reacted to CrealCritter's post in the thread Food prices June 2021 with Like Like.
    Yes ma'ma more eggier tasting. I wasn't that hungry, so i had only one. Its about 1 1/2 larger than a extra large chicken egg. Butter...
  • Finnie
    Finnie reacted to Mini Horses's post in the thread Food prices June 2021 with Like Like.
    @CrealCritter Are they "eggier" tasting? I've heard that but never had any. I'm not a big egg eater and my free range hens do...
  • Finnie
    Finnie reacted to CrealCritter's post in the thread Food prices June 2021 with Like Like.
    I'm going to have sunny side up turkey eggs in the morning. I've been waiting all winter for this. Jesus is Lord and Christ ✝️
  • Finnie
    Finnie reacted to CrealCritter's post in the thread Food prices June 2021 with Like Like.
    She said she was going to give to her chickens. I looked at her funny and said, hush your mouth, I'll eat that bread. Then she said you...
  • Finnie
    Finnie reacted to baymule's post in the thread Food prices June 2021 with Haha Haha.
    Those look good enough to eat—and not share!!!! LOL
  • Finnie
    Finnie reacted to CrealCritter's post in the thread Food prices June 2021 with Love Love.
    FB told me all about this... and the reason why they "enrich" storebought flour. She ground berries a little finer yesterday and got...
  • Finnie
    Finnie reacted to flowerbug's post in the thread Food prices June 2021 with Like Like.
    i think many businesses start out with the good intentions but then as the generations pass and time goes on and the company gets passed...
  • Finnie
    Finnie reacted to Hinotori's post in the thread Food prices June 2021 with Like Like.
    Yes they did. There was a reason that the book "the Jungle" created such an uproar to the point that food safety laws were created as...
  • Finnie
    Finnie reacted to flowerbug's post in the thread Food prices June 2021 with Like Like.
    for bread making with store flour we normally use unbleached flour which has a lot more flavor going for it. and we also add some...
  • Finnie
    Finnie reacted to Hinotori's post in the thread Food prices June 2021 with Like Like.
    Read up on how Victorian bakers would add plaster to the flour to make it whiter. White bread was seen as high class. Real white bread...