Recent content by Fixit

  1. F

    Memes That Make You Giggle

    hmmm that last meme must be the meme to end all memes.
  2. F

    Things you can't say without an explanation

    Once told someone " I live in the projects " . They said no you don't you have that place in the country . My reply was that every where i looked i saw projects .
  3. F

    Memes That Make You Giggle

    My caption for that gator would of been Captain . Permission to come aboard ?
  4. F

    Memes That Make You Giggle

    It was the person talking that put you to sleep not the over head projector .
  5. F

    All About Vacuum Sealing

    I have 1 of these that i have to play with one of these days.
  6. F

    The Art and Benefits of Foraging

    Have a group i meet with early on friday mornings . My 5 mins. is spent showing a plant and giving its uses. When asked how long i could go without repeating plants i told them about three and a half years . My only rule is it must grow in my area . It can be native , ornamental or an invasive.
  7. F

    this place is worthless for my needs

    I am pretty sure that my siblings considter me the cheap turkey at our thanksgiving dinner .
  8. F

    Memes That Make You Giggle

    That toilet would be great until you lift the lid and see a Death Star aiming at you.
  9. F

    Good reference book(s)?

    It is not a book that you would just set down and read but from a research point of view very handy . My home has thousands or books in it so what I list I also own .
  10. F

    Good reference book(s)?

    Tortoise for a look at Native American herbal try
  11. F

    Good reference book(s)?

    Ignor the price it is just for reference to the book " Find one that is " out of date " and pay less that $20 for it. Another would be...
  12. F

    Motion sensor radio???

    So basically you wire this Pre plug and then use...
  13. F

    Fodder Corn Leaves and cobs?

    I would think that as long as you grind the cob it would be fine. A large part of cattle nutrition come from the bacteria byproduct in the digestive system and the bacteria would feed on the cobs. Here's another feed source you never hear about except in bad feed times ...
  14. F


    Stray knowledge kicking in again . Nicotine in small doses is actually good for you . Mmm we call it niacin . Of course to much of a good thing can kill you also .