Recent content by flowerbug

  1. flowerbug

    Memes That Make You Giggle

    there were some pathways in the woods i would take my ten speed road bike through and one was quite the surprise the first time i rode on it. it was down a hillside and at the bottom there was a sharp turn and then four wooden posts (the size of telephone poles) that you had to thread between...
  2. flowerbug

    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    don't see it anyplace i can find. they just give the dose based upon age and how many capsules per ... so, it's all up to their schedule for dosing, and consulting with your doc.
  3. flowerbug

    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    in looking at the page for the item it says: "Each Tablet Contains: 6 parts Valerian Root (Quad-Strength) 1X, 3 parts Passiflora (Quad-Strength) 1X, 1 part Magnesium Carbonate 1X." so that is a total of ten parts aka 60% Val, 30% Pass and 10% Mag-Carb. i suspect Quad-Strength might not be...
  4. flowerbug

    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    5:20am this morning, was not going to be able to get back to sleep so just stayed up. too excited about trash day i guess...
  5. flowerbug

    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    yeah, the grackles showed up this past weekend and the redwings usually hang out with them. forecast for this coming Friday and Saturday is for 68-70F... we'll feel...
  6. flowerbug

    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    good luck, be careful in the morning when starting because that is when you can make a stiff disc decide to have issues... pace yourself. :)
  7. flowerbug


    i've been cooking and canning from a young age, and yes a guy, also know how to sew and considered learning tatting, but that didn't happen. i currently do almost all of the actual running of the batches of jars through the sealing up and do most of the gardening here and Mom does her best...
  8. flowerbug

    the little wild kingdom

    dang printer doesn't work great because it doesn't get used very often so i spent way too long getting it to print decently again. my brother came over for lunch and so we talked and listened and there goes most of the afternoon and still not any further on the tax stuff. finally back at it...
  9. flowerbug


    pressure canning i hope?
  10. flowerbug

    Hello from Interlochen Michigan

    welcome to SS from mid-Michigan (a ways south of you :) ). i understand the desire to keep moving as a therapy for physical issues as i've had back issues most of my life (from work as a teenager plus things that have happened after that). gardening is what helps me the most as i've found that...
  11. flowerbug

    the little wild kingdom

    book is done. back to work. today hope to get Mom's tax stuff done. of course a few moments in i decide to distract myself with TEG and SS to procrastinate. :)
  12. flowerbug

    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    welcome to NM! ok, make that welcome to NM, AZ and bits of TX!
  13. flowerbug

    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    we had a very light dusting which barely registered even on the driveway. sunny and cold this morning, but i think the forecast is for today to get nearly 40F with chances of snow later. tomorrow chances of nearly 50F and Monday chances of nearly 60F, Tuesday 55F. all sunshine days too...
  14. flowerbug

    Food prices June 2021

    i think many businesses start out with the good intentions but then as the generations pass and time goes on and the company gets passed to other people who may be less interested in quality and more interested in profits... even in non-profit organisations it is rare that the higher ups don't...
  15. flowerbug

    Memes That Make You Giggle

    i couldn't stand for that