Recent content by frustratedearthmother

  1. frustratedearthmother

    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    Yikes! Hope you feel better soon!
  2. frustratedearthmother

    Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey

    Dang good question! I just received 18 more eggs from the same breeder. They'll go in the incubator today. Also have some others ordered from a different breeder. Hopefully there'll be lots of fluffy butts running around here soon enough! I'm going to try and work on my screen house today...
  3. frustratedearthmother

    Cornish Cross 2025

    That's awesome! Every penny counts.
  4. frustratedearthmother

    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    Fantastic - hands, and fingers, are important! ;)
  5. frustratedearthmother

    Memes That Make You Giggle

    It's a miracle that some of us survived childhood. When I was growing up a lot of the neighborhood kids had horses (and go carts and dirt bikes, but that's a different story). We devised a game on horseback that we innocently called "tag." It involved riding double on the horses and the way...
  6. frustratedearthmother


    Sounds like you're making great progress!
  7. frustratedearthmother

    Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey

    He's doing really well. Not back to the level he was at a few years ago - but so much better than this past year or so! He hasn't fallen in months now. His balance is better and his walking is more confident. He's slow as molasses in wintertime, but that's ok because he's mobile. At most...
  8. frustratedearthmother

    Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey

    Silkie eggs are on the way! I have some coming from two different breeders. First breeder I have purchased from before. She's north of Houston and I'm south of Houston so they don't have to travel too far. The second batch I purchased are coming from South Carolina. Might be a little...
  9. frustratedearthmother

    What did you do in your orchard today?

    Love a good mulberry!
  10. frustratedearthmother


    Yum - that sounds delicious! A nice stash of ready to go meals can't be beat. It's a busy time on the farm for me and being able to grab a jar of something easy is appreciated. We had some home grown, home-canned green beans a couple days ago and they were absolutely delish. Gotta get seeds...
  11. frustratedearthmother

    Hello from Interlochen Michigan

    Hi, and welcome from Texas. Love your story, admire what you've done and can't wait to hear more!
  12. frustratedearthmother

    Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey

    You need a day of rest! We have rain in the forecast but nothing so far today. I'm slogging my way, slowly but surely, through my to-do list. Unfortunately, I get side-tracked way too often, lol. Had someone ask me the other day if I had chicks, and would I agree to sell some. But, of...
  13. frustratedearthmother

    Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

    Argh! I dunno how y'all do it. :th