I hear you, however almost every single place on earth inhabited by humans and their animals are no longer native.
You cannot regenerate/restore a piece of barren land that were consistently overgrazed by cattle on big scale and in a short time without the help of pioneer species. These...
I dont have a problem with Bermuda. Im actively trying to get it established here. Im saying it is hated by other people. Im loving it for all the reasons other people seem to hate it
I think the below quote sums up very well why many people out there hate Bermuda:
Why I Hate Bermuda Grass. It is more invasive than Attila The Hun. Bermuda grass can grow up through eighteen inches of raised bed. It quickly spreads both through roots and above ground stems, and heads straight...
Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes.
we get around 400-600mm (15 - 24 Inch) of rain per year. There is a seasonal river that runs for about 8 months of the year. There are a lot of trees close to the river, other then that it is mostly shrubs.
So the Biome where we live is know for its...
Hi Flowerbug
We have 2 x 1300 gallon storage tanks. From the borehole we pump to the tanks and then from there we use a pressure pump to the house and gardens.
We are not connected to the grid, so we make sure the power never goes off. When we have a few rainy days we still get enough power...
Hi all
Glad to have found this site with usefull info. Hope to be able to contribute.
Im from South Africa, together with my Wife and 3 children (7,3,2) we moved to our barren 5acre property in a semi Arid part of South Africa in Jan2025. For the last year we have been building our tiny house...