Recent content by Nifty

  1. Nifty

    FYI: Importing Remodel & Woodworking Forums into SS!

    Thanks @flowerbug Yup, if you see spam, etc., please report it! Report it and we'll translate to English and review it... and probably delete it since most of the time, that stuff will be spam.
  2. Nifty

    FYI: Importing Remodel & Woodworking Forums into SS!

    Thanks for all your patience as we clean things up post-merge / import! Still a bit of stuff to do. Would love your thoughts and feedaback!!!!
  3. Nifty

    FYI: Importing Remodel & Woodworking Forums into SS!

    Hi SS Friends! As some of you know, I own a couple very dead forums: It's a bit of a paint to maintain a dead forum, but I'm adamantly against deleting historical content people posted. That being the case, and after much discussion and...
  4. Nifty

    System errors. Please do not post messages more than once!

    I've disabled the "push notifications" temporarily since that seems to have been the cause (a conflict with an automated server software update). Please let me know if you keep seeing errors / have problems!
  5. Nifty

    System errors. Please do not post messages more than once!

    Just FYI: I got the error too. It looks like the messages are posting even though there is an error. We'll keep digging into this until we find a fix! Thanks for your patience!
  6. Nifty

    Whole House Batter Backup - EP Cube

    I've been obsessed with electronics, batteries, LEDs, motors, etc. since I was a kid riding my bike to Radio Shack the moment I had earned or received any money. More recently, I've been passionate about battery backup, solar charging, battery power stations, etc. I started off with some...
  7. Nifty

    New Whole-House HVAC - Heat-Pump Mini Splits -

    Short Version: We're installing 6 mini-split units from As part of our whole-house remodel, we're going all-electric... which means getting rid of our gas furnace / central heat. I LOVE the heat-pump technology, but I'm not a fan of the old / outdated mini-split units, and I...
  8. Nifty

    Car / Auto Paint Work

    Thanks!!! Yup, I totally agree about the bonding + life-lesson opportunity! (and it was just an overall fun project that I was wanting to do) ;)
  9. Nifty

    Car / Auto Paint Work

    My kid has an older car that had some pretty significant paint issues. Some areas were rusting and the paint was bubbling-up pealing away. I asked her what she wanted to do. We watched a bunch of youtube videos and decided we'd at least fix the rust problems so they didn't get worse, and also...
  10. Nifty

    Is there an Android app for SS

    See here:
  11. Nifty

    Is there an Android app for SS

    The BYC "App" is actually just a browser version of BYC that you open with an icon. Functionality, etc. is almost exactly the same as the mobile version of the site. ... that said, there is an option for a Progressive Web App version of the site that I should be able to setup / enable. I'll put...
  12. Nifty

    Member Points Question

    For the most part I feel like our SS community has been very well maintained & moderated, and hasn't really needed a ton of moderation. (thanks to a fantastic community that is being mindful and respectful about how they interpret and/or respond to things). If it seems like this isn't the case...
  13. Nifty

    Member Points Question

    Thanks for the note! I'll add it to the todo list :) (wouldn't want to peasants to revolt) ;)