Are we living our dream?

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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I have been a nurse for 3 decades and mainly I just closed wounds with steri strips but the one time I needed to stitch a human was probably 15 years ago. He was refusing to go to the hospital. My oldest DD noticed I couldn’t pierce his skin with my sewing needles so she gave me some super sharp needles to use. My hands were shaking so much. She helped me by holding the end of the thread with the hemastat. But that type of needle should probably be in my arsenal.

Wow!! So it’s quiet. DH went back to bed. I have taken my meds and I haven’t even checked if we have coffee brewed yet. I crated Trouble last night. I find it wild DH didn’t let her out. Mom to the rescue.
I need to babysit a few hours tomorrow for DS & DIL to go to couples counseling. DS was ready to quit because he said she complains about him and he doesn’t say anything so I told him he needs to talk or he is wasting the whole point of even going. Apparently his private therapist (also a vet) told him the same thing and gave him a cheat sheet to use.
An old friend wants to give me 3 unwanted roosters. I asked DH if we have another cage we can use as a tractor. I never did get a straight answer but the roosters are doing a great job of destroying the grass. What’s 3 more going to do to us? Obviously we have way more roosters than we need for the girls but they all on grass duty except for 2 lucky boys. The girls in the coop are molting but the one that is loose sings the egg song and I think I might be able to find her nest. I suspect it’s under the boat. She is one of the bunch I caught with the garbage bin a few months ago and I guess I’m about to cash in on them. My 7 old hens were given to me. The 20 I caught in the garbage bin were abandoned in the back of the street so I didn’t pay for them. The only chickens I paid for are some unwanted roosters we mainly have on grass control. I might need to slaughter a few.


Almost Self-Reliant
Apr 19, 2024
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Vet suppliers? Most are disposable now days.
Yes, most are disposable. Which is precisely the problem. Non-renewable resource in a real emergency.

Years ago I made small sterile surgical kits (pre-threaded needles of various sizes, needle threader, extra thread, scissors, tweezers) but I seem to have given away all but one. I sterilized them in the pressure canner at 15 pounds for 90 minutes.

I want to make some more, but the vetrinary supplies I can find don't mention needle sizes, and so far even the "practice" kits are disposables.

I did find a source, but I don't feel like paying $50 for 12 needles, all the same size.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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Well I can tell you my underwear drawer obviously speaks of my previous profession. I no longer even have underwear in it but I still call it my underwear drawer. It’s full of maybe 6 different size bandages, betadine, coveted ace wraps 😆, non-sterile 3X3’s and such. A few OTC meds and a battery operated blood pressure monitor.
I’m in league with HG on a plan. She wants to eat Chinese food more often than I can agree to visit the Chinese restaurant so I planted a seed in her brain. Her main issue is she wants crab raggoons. I told her I once made some wonton wraps from scratch and I have made some egg rolls so we can make more and then it’s just a matter of what we want to stuff inside. I told her, if you think about it, Chinese food should be really affordable if you make it at home. What’s cheaper than rice?? 🤷‍♀️We have chickens, pigs, shrimp, at least traps to catch the crabs….rabbits. We have various vegetables. So now she is talking about us doing it. I said we need the table, the stove and a few ingredients and we got it!!
In some way, shape or form I have communicated with all 6 of my children today so I guess it’s a good day. One of the issues caused me to be stuck on the phone for 3 hours with AT&T but I managed to upgrade 2 trash phones, decrease my future bills and get a reimbursement for the past two months, finally correct my last name. I only wish both my daughters would have asked me for new phones at the same time cuz that was definitely two separate birds killed with two separate stones and that 2nd stone required 3 throws 🤦‍♀️.
DS is suffering with a stomach bug after GD was sick last night. So I’m not running over to rescue him cuz I’m kinda angry with him since last night. I knew one of the kids were sick but I was caring for all 4. I tried to get him to locate her Zofran but he didn’t. I told him to give her Pepto but he didn’t. I wasn’t there. I checked and he said she was knocked out. I told him well the good thing is….nothing left to vomit 🤷‍♀️. Poetic justice!! Now he is sick. He lives over an hour away from me. Sure I can go over and fix everything but hell to the no. Let that big man stay empty until tomorrow and freeze under the covers. Now I will run over if the other kids all get sick regardless of my health.


Power Conserver
Nov 7, 2024
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NSW Australia
Continued from once upon a time. So my dream became a nightmare for a while and eventually I got back on track. Married a farmer who doesn’t exactly do everything exactly like me but still manages to make it work and is king of the dumpster dive. I did have to go to work full time because of certain complicated family obligations but I was on such a good roll. I was almost totally done with all debts and then I could have eased into retirement planning but here came Hurricane Ida.
I still want freedom from debt, utilities, grocery stores to an extent but Ida has tested me greatly. This is kinda my intro but I will follow up with my game plan for making that lemonade with all those lemons I was sent.
I am so sorry to hear about your troubles; I pray that things ease up and turn the corner for you. Take care, Linda


Power Conserver
Nov 7, 2024
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NSW Australia
I haven’t been sleeping well lately and DH has been waking up earlier than me. So I only half understood everything he was telling me but I am now understanding he went pick up MORE rabbits. So he is going put them on my farm. All things told to me by text from people I don’t know. I really hope he latched the cages. I might be responsible for a southeast, Louisiana rabbit explosion. So I also got a text from one of my coworkers that she has a few pumpkins she wants to donate to the animals. I found out they aren’t carved so I told her if she didn’t mind I would smother them. She also doesn’t like waste. I wish I could find a pale pumpkin. I might have to just order seeds 🤷‍♀️.
The flies are crazy ever since a week after the storm. Making me crazy. I think I will put out another stinky trap.
This coffee is awesome but I best get dressed. Coworker in route and I don’t want her to see me this sexy....past coworker. I still tend to think of them as my work family.
A rabbit "explosion" could be a good thing, considering what they are doing to our meat


Power Conserver
Nov 7, 2024
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NSW Australia
Well I can tell you my underwear drawer obviously speaks of my previous profession. I no longer even have underwear in it but I still call it my underwear drawer. It’s full of maybe 6 different size bandages, betadine, coveted ace wraps 😆, non-sterile 3X3’s and such. A few OTC meds and a battery operated blood pressure monitor.
I’m in league with HG on a plan. She wants to eat Chinese food more often than I can agree to visit the Chinese restaurant so I planted a seed in her brain. Her main issue is she wants crab raggoons. I told her I once made some wonton wraps from scratch and I have made some egg rolls so we can make more and then it’s just a matter of what we want to stuff inside. I told her, if you think about it, Chinese food should be really affordable if you make it at home. What’s cheaper than rice?? 🤷‍♀️We have chickens, pigs, shrimp, at least traps to catch the crabs….rabbits. We have various vegetables. So now she is talking about us doing it. I said we need the table, the stove and a few ingredients and we got it!!
In some way, shape or form I have communicated with all 6 of my children today so I guess it’s a good day. One of the issues caused me to be stuck on the phone for 3 hours with AT&T but I managed to upgrade 2 trash phones, decrease my future bills and get a reimbursement for the past two months, finally correct my last name. I only wish both my daughters would have asked me for new phones at the same time cuz that was definitely two separate birds killed with two separate stones and that 2nd stone required 3 throws 🤦‍♀️.
DS is suffering with a stomach bug after GD was sick last night. So I’m not running over to rescue him cuz I’m kinda angry with him since last night. I knew one of the kids were sick but I was caring for all 4. I tried to get him to locate her Zofran but he didn’t. I told him to give her Pepto but he didn’t. I wasn’t there. I checked and he said she was knocked out. I told him well the good thing is….nothing left to vomit 🤷‍♀️. Poetic justice!! Now he is sick. He lives over an hour away from me. Sure I can go over and fix everything but hell to the no. Let that big man stay empty until tomorrow and freeze under the covers. Now I will run over if the other kids all get sick regardless of my health.
That soulds like a really GOOD plan ... eating homegrown is so much healthier : )

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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52F in my hometown. Probably warmer than most of y’all locations though. Feels chilly, wet. So DH and HG are both playing outside and doing chores and I am in the rocker/recliner holding baby and sticking the pacifier back in as she catches up on her z’s. She is snoring.
Apparently DS woke up feeling better and none of the other kids are sick 🥰.
Surprise visit from DH’s friend and that started the whole deal of playing outside. I heard the lawnmower a while ago and HG started complaining that she wanted to push it. The Tom Sawyer effect works. I told her to wait until it’s stopped and take over.
It’s hard to get dressed and get busy with a newborn on top of you.
Trouble has been itching and prone to keeping fleas warm. DH wanted to rub her down with oil last night but I said wait…and I grabbed the taekwondo belt and drug her in the shower to make them leave. I normally taste bad to fleas but I guess I managed to make Trouble taste worse than me cuz something bit me. DH took pity on her and went rinse her off before I was ready. But I dried her with the shammy cuz I just knew he’d release her before she was dry. I’m thinking about mixing garlic cloves in olive oil just for her coat, to really offend the fleas. I keep forgetting to put it in her food.
Omg. The cane is getting harvested right near the houses now so look out for!! I expect rabbits and rodents to evacuate towards us any second.
It’s cold enough to motivate all Cajuns. We shut up and hide during the summer.
Lata mais amie!!! Got stuff to do!! This baby going in her car seat or something.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
The cane is getting harvested right near the houses now so look out for!! I expect rabbits and rodents to evacuate towards us any second.
Third world countries, lucky enough to have rodents & cane or rice fields, take this as their "hunting" season! Yep, fresh meat to eat & dry for later.

That's so sad. Chickens are a better option! 😁

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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Merry Christmas everyone!! I have been under the weather.
I usually contribute it to my treatment but I might have caught a bug. Not sure. On the 23rd I spent several hours plucking 5 wild ducks and the next day I was visiting with the family. I saw all my children, grandchildren, some in-laws and even my ex for a while but I couldn’t eat a lot. I really thought it was just me until I heard about a few people not feeling well Christmas Day. So today I finally cooked the duck, rice and two cans of field peas in roux.
I for sure need to go through DH’s overalls and harvest some denim for a pillow because between the 5 ducks I just cleaned and everything I cleaned last year, I most definitely have enough feathers for a pillow. And DH had to kill one of our hens…..a mercy kill so I asked him if he wanted me to clean her too, but he said she was little so he’s just gonna skin her. I figured, more feathers 🤷‍♀️.
Need lots of prayers for the Amish team to come down the bayou so I can get my house built. I really want to go back home!!! It’s past time!! I want my big barn back in operation and my space.
Well I guess it’s time to wash Trouble. She’s gonna hate me.

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