Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Grands are here and all is right with my world! DGS requested broccoli cheese soup yesterday so that's what we had. Today they are in charge of dinner. There will be grilled burgers, regular and sweet potato fries, coleslaw and baked beans. Probably going to make some cookies for dessert.

Supposed to be some winter weather heading this way. Ugh. Need to get started on preps soon. Might get the kids to help me get a few things done. DGS has already made himself useful. He installed the new weather station yesterday. That kid (not kid anymore) can do anything!

Some of the goat ladies are doing the pregnancy wobble pretty well. Udders are growing and there will be babies. Still probably at least 3 weeks out for the first ones. Geeze, guess I should clean up some kidding pens.

After I bought some ridiculously expensive eggs the hens musta heard me complaining about their lack of effort and stepped it up a bit. Even the oldest batch of quail has started laying. Let there be eggs, lol.

Better get outside and feed the critters before the grands start waking up. They'll want food too.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
Funny how that works. Everything we have, eats. Animals, people, and what do we do? We dutifully cook, serve, clean up mess. We clean house, or at least keep it a little better than the barn. We do laundry and on a good day, it gets folded and put away. Outside, we dump old water, clean containers (I wish they fit in dishwasher) and refill with fresh water. Then feed, put out hay, check for babies, care for them.

We get tired, fall asleep in recliner, trudge off to bed, so we can get up and do it all over again. Life is good on the farm. ❤️


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
😋. Not always
Priorities dontcha know, lol. And the priorities are not always housework!

I slept in this morning! Didn't get up until 6:45! As the kids have gotten older they've been assigned to help with dinner and clean up. With four of them here some help with dinner and the others clean up. It rotates until all of them have helped with something. It really helps, but I sure have to search for dishes after they've emptied the dishwasher, lol!

Only one hiccup this trip. My two bonus grandgirls, 12 and 13 years old, who are mostly raised by their "special" mom decided it was ok to have a physical altercation while we were playing a game at the dining room table. They saw a different side of me at that moment. Absolutely not allowed! One of them decided to give me the side-eye glare afterwards and she quickly found out that is not allowed either. Bye - leave the table but put your phone on the hutch. If you can straighten up your attitude - life will be much better, lol. I realize when they are allowed to run feral by their birth mom that learning rules somewhere else might not be fun. Sorry but no excuse - I fully believe ya'll are intelligent creatures and perfectly capable of adaptation. She got over it in about 5 minutes. An apology and a hug go a long way around here!

I got a lot of winter prep done yesterday. We're not getting hit as hard as a lot of people. We'll get a freeze by morning and another one in a couple days. Nothing terrible - but at least most of my preps will be done and ready for the next one. Still a few weeks away from kidding so I don't have that worry.

Need to get out there and get some things done before everyone wakes up and wants food! Thank goodness they sleep late, lol.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I have a great time with my grandkids. The two that misbehaved have not been around me all their lives and they don't visit often. Maybe they didn't understand that I can be stern when needed. This gramma don't play, lol! I do a lot for them, we have a great time, but in return you must follow my house rules and be respectful. Not only respectful with me and DH, but respectful to each other.

We've had rain of and on all day. That means I haven't been outside doing as much as I had planned on doing. Also, I must've left the key on the tractor the other day because the battery is dead, dead, dead. And, its pointed due north. Argh! Calling DS, lol. He's my go for all things mechanical or electronic. Oh, who am I kidding - he's my go to for just about everything. Love that boy. (45yo man!)

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