I'm in Harrodsburg, KY. May I ask where in Central KY you are, chicknmama? Seems like we're right around the same area.
I'm from KY, but I grew up in Lexington. I love it out here in the country. Everything Chicknmama said is true. People are super nice (once you get outside Lexington - where...
I am so glad I'm not the only one who gets peeved at commericials...
Also the special reports on oprah, 20/20, dateline, etc. where they swab everything in your car, laptop, restaurant and then report back all the "germs" they found which almost always includes fecal matter.
Where I live, my only choices for internet were dial-up and satellite. Dial-up was waaaay too slow and since I don't have satellite tv, I decided that with Satellite internet I could at least download movies/tv shows...not how it turned out. Let me explain...
Yes, you can have satellite...