Try making goat milk soap and can jellies and salsa I have a better time selling canned goods then fresh also I make kefir with my goats milk I sell it 5 bucks a quart its like yogurt very healthy people love it you can get the kefir grains from she mails them to you supper cheap...
Kombucha makes the world go round i tell ya! when ever im sick i live on that stuff i always joke saying to bad it dosent come in an iv drip! when we had swine flu in feb i always had my glass near by but you got to becareful not to drink to much it can over stimulate your system and it flushes...
So today is my kidos last day of public school. i get so worried am i doing the right thing with homeschooling? will i provide what my 3 kids will need? im soo scared i dont even know were to start then i think oh no there gose what ever little bit of mental stabilty ive got! but i keep think of...
I have cronic migraines and i do every thing natural now. to help keep them at bay a drink kombucha tea its a fermented tea with a culture that looks like a mushroom but the benifits from drinking kombucha is amazing google it you can get a culture with starter brew from or check...