i don't know i'm not there i currently be deployed to persian gulf been here since march should be home by spring. We have big plans but nothing happening yet.
well its been a long time for me posting here. just wanted to say HI! to everyone. Bubbles and I have moved from CT to Norfolk VA in october / set up the house duringn the holidays and then i promptly got underway for Deployment onboard my new Ship. so i am righting this from deep water in hot...
I had remembered seeing canned bread as a little guy, but I don't know if my Granny made it or one of the quilting elite that was always over. I'll have to ask dad once he's back from Honduras in a week or two. But here is something I found similar to what I remembered...
This past year bubbles and I made green tomatoes relish from the blue book. That stuff is outstanding on fresh bread!
We also pickled the smaller ones with peppers.
The hacksaw blade isn't slicing the tape just perforating it. Your pulling down and out is doing the work. But on the used side I don't think any of my old blades could do it ( no teeth left)
I know the feeling Corn Woman i just got yelled at by the housing office about my garden apparently brown gardens in winter is wrong. which is why i posted the premade one too.
or you can buy one premade from Home Depot http://www.homedepot.com/p/RESCUE-50-gal-Earth-Brown-Flatback-Water-Urn-Rain-Barrel-with-Integrated-Planter-and-Diverter-Kit-2234-1/203350614?N=c7pb#specifications
i think building your own will be more rewarding and a learning experience.
Craigslist usually has the orange olive barrels for about $25ish each. here is a quick example from instructibles.com http://www.instructables.com/id/Rainwater-harvesting-Rain-Barrel-DIY/?ALLSTEPS