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  1. canesisters

    VA meeting thread

    I'm a little south of Petersburg. :frow
  2. canesisters


    Well..... as it turns out, the 6mo calf that is part of a small herd staying with me has discovered the free milk bar and I haven't gotten any fresh in days... Her owner is (supposedly) working on getting them back home soon. Until then, what little milk I'm getting is getting used up. So no...
  3. canesisters


    I'm going to take my life in my hands this weekend and can up several pints of milk. :D
  4. canesisters

    Quotes and thoughts for the day

    ... and an unspeakable tragedy to have lived a life and to have never done either one. I know a person who, I sincerely believe, has never had an original thought.
  5. canesisters

    A Glimpse at Simple Homesteading Life in the 1800s

    I have said over and over again how aware and thankful I am that my garden is a hobby and not the single source of food for my family. How many days have I complained that my air-conditioned house was 'too warm' to run the canner and lost half a basket of tomatoes that ended up as chicken feed...
  6. canesisters

    Is Our Economy Going To Crash?

    WHOO-HOO!! And All American! :drool .... one day.....
  7. canesisters

    Is Our Economy Going To Crash?

    I have a generator - we get hurricanes in VA too. ;) What I meant was that as much as I'd like to log into amazon and order up the biggest and badest dehydrators, canners, solar powered this and that, etc. - I will make do with the give-away/hand-me-downs & 'entry level' purchases until I am...
  8. canesisters

    Is Our Economy Going To Crash?

    I have been trying to learn 'new' skills over the years that will serve me well when resources become harder or more expensive to get. Raising livestock, growing a garden, composting, etc. I don't see any sense in going broke getting tools & equipment to get me through a depression that might...
  9. canesisters

    Can anyone suggest a basic budget sheet?

    BEST thing ever!!!
  10. canesisters

    Laugh(s) for the day

    .... and almost all of that made no sense to me - LOL (everytime I start to think that I know a little something about chickens - something comes along and I realize that there is STILL a whole world of chicken stuff out there I have no idea about)
  11. canesisters

    Laugh(s) for the day

    WHAT sort of roo is that???? He's LOVELY!
  12. canesisters

    Laugh(s) for the day

  13. canesisters

    Laugh(s) for the day

  14. canesisters

    Laugh(s) for the day

    This one makes me laugh no matter how many times I see it
  15. canesisters

    Laugh(s) for the day

    This will make you popular in the break room at work........
  16. canesisters

    Laugh(s) for the day

  17. canesisters

    Laugh(s) for the day

  18. canesisters

    Laugh(s) for the day

  19. canesisters

    Laugh(s) for the day

    Sumi, years ago I worked in a veterinarian's office. One of our clients was Mr. Huzzey. He had 2 golden retrievers named Shameless and Brazen. We loved stepping out into the waiting room with our clipboard and saying "Shameless Hussy? Is there a Shameless Hussy here?" LOL!!!!!
  20. canesisters

    Tell Me Why This is a BAD Idea

    We were just discussing over on BYC that black walnut in/on the soil will stop anything else from growing. Not sure if it still can do that once it passes through a pig's gut... but worth checking into... Curious - you mentioned adding another animal... Is there some reason they have to...