Today, Hubby and I went to a car show. Had a great time just in the going and being. I did not see a single mask while there, though did see little kids wearing them at the restaurant we went to. saw one guy wearing a t shirt that said: Send Faucci and Gates to prison. On the back, was an...
Not tractor, but I can tell you that it's wise to be sure that your rear tine tiller has the tines in the shallowest setting before engaging them in rock hard soil.
Lovely. My grafted Seckel pear is about 4' tall this year. Finally putting on some size. I need to cut one of the scion grafts off, so it will have a strong leader. May try air layering the second scion graft before cutting it off next spring.
Goldfish would be a great ducky treat. If other critters hibernate there for the winter, I'm guessing that gold fish would also. If there are plants there, or other means of hiding from the adult fish... if the pond is big enough and water quality decent, the gold fish just might breed.
Sorry to bring sadness to you, Creal. I volunteered at a pregnancy crisis center for years. And, it was tough. I worked there until I simply couldn't take it any more. Burned out. I vacillate between horrific anger, and weeping over it. Same with me following the hidden from sight details...
My response: Don't answer ANY questions. Repeat the following words: "You are trespassing. You need to leave. NOW". Hubby and I have already discussed our intended response, so that we are both on the same page. By discussing it in advance, you will be prepared, not caught off guard.
I have a friend who's daughter was holding the friend's grand kids hostage. "You can't see my kids until you take the jab." Ya know what's even more pathetic about this? The friend was BABYSITTING for the dtr, so she could go to work. I told the friend: If I'd been in your shoes, I'd have...
One of my favorite Iced teas is Bigelow French Vanilla decaf. It brews up nice and strong, and is plenty sweet all by it-self. But, I have a stevia plant on the deck, I may try adding a stevia leaf.
Today, I spent a couple hours working on the massive weed patch that covers the hugel kulture, and the area in front of it. The area is now 90% cleared of weeds. If my energy level, supplies, and weather all coincide, I hope to lightly till the area in front of hugel, and plant some buckwheat...
It sounds like the feds are planning to dole out an other stimulus. At least 75% of recipients will jump for joy, and not give it a second thought. What they don't realize: That money already belongs to the tax payers. mr. biden and his ilk are taking $$$$$$$$$$ out of my pocket. They are...
Bee, thanks so much for posting this. According to the autopsy, he had signs of myocarditis. This has got to stop. It's absolutely insane that the murder (by jab) of people continues, and nothing is done to stop it. And, now the feds intend to send people door to door to attempt to force the...
It's so very wrong to require employees to take vaccines. ANY vaccine! I was at a point where I had decided that when they pushed me to either take flu vac or wear a mask from Nov. through April at work, that I was going to take those months off. It was providence of God that corporate office...
Bay, I will be praying for your son: that he will have a quick, uneventful recovery. He's gonna be sore in places he didn't even know he had for a long time to come. And, I'll pray for your tornado riders, and YOU as you help them to ride the tornado.
I believe that you would still get your surgery. They would treat you like some sort of horrid leper: isolation and all of that. However, if it was an elective, they might use the needed surgery as the carrot to force the jab. And, they might put off a needed surgery, calling it an elective...