Search results

  1. Nifty

    posts/likes/editing seem to be going faster now

    Thanks all! We're trying to find any consistencies that will help us isolate and fix the problem. For example, if it's specific browsers? Times of day? Geographic locations, etc. One situation: I'm trying to map server performance to when peeps are having problems. It would be easy if there...
  2. Nifty

    posts/likes/editing seem to be going faster now

    Yeah, that post was just pretty slow for me to submit :(
  3. Nifty

    posts/likes/editing seem to be going faster now

    The issues I've seen and heard reported are more like @flowerbug has mentioned and less like the slow key-typing thing. So, not saying that they are not related, but it might also be unrelated. We are still trying to figure out what the issues are. Fortunately it seems like they are happening...
  4. Nifty

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Yes, a combination of Sumi's unfortunate health, plus the changes with the upgrade have put this on hold for now. We're testing a new system and process (including a fun way to display the POW) and hope to have it up in the next week or two! Thanks for your patience and support! THE NEW POW...
  5. Nifty

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    We've been working on a cool new way to present the POW, and are hoping to be done with development in the next week! We'll keep you posted!
  6. Nifty

    posts/likes/editing seem to be going faster now

    Thanks for the updates and feedback. There was a spike in server usage earlier today, but besides that things have looked fine. We're still trying to figure out what could be going on. It's tricky when the issues are so inconsistent!
  7. Nifty

    Deceptive Site

    Thanks! It's SUPER weird since the sister-sites are all hosted on the same server, same software, etc... so it's been tricky to find the cause. We'll keep digging!
  8. Nifty

    Deceptive Site

    We're looking into all the things that might be causing the sites to load slowly for people. We've made a few changes that will hopefully help, but since the site remains fast for some, it's been tricky to track down the items that are user-specific vs. site-wide. If you notice things improving...
  9. Nifty

    Deceptive Site

    Thanks for the great discussion. Please keep posting as much info as possible (device type, browser version, screenshots, etc.) That is helpful, thank you! Are there any other options or screens to tell you more info about what specifically is the problem? What is the name of the antivirus app...
  10. Nifty

    i really wish i could join threads from TEG here and vice-versa...

    Interesting idea. Not sure it's possible, but we'll keep an eye out.
  11. Nifty

    SufficientSelf Software Upgrade - Potential Downtime

    Can you help us know what specific things you are having a problem with? That will help us with either changing things here or the other sites.
  12. Nifty

    SufficientSelf Software Upgrade - Potential Downtime

    ... and we're back! Things will look a little different, but hopefully it will be easy to get a good new feel for things and you'll notice some fun new goodies! ;)
  13. Nifty

    SufficientSelf Software Upgrade - Potential Downtime

    Ya, most things will be the same :) Ok, we're a little late, but hopefully going to start with in the next hour
  14. Nifty

    SufficientSelf Software Upgrade - Potential Downtime

    Hey All! It's time for us to finally upgrade our forum software to the newest version. The new version comes with some new features, better performance, more security, etc! We're hoping downtime will be VERY limited... hopefully not more than an hour or two. That said, it's hard to know...
  15. Nifty

    Remembering Sumi

    4/21/2020, A VERY sad update: We're very sorry to say that our beautiful friend and amazing soul Sumi passed away 3 pm Irish time. It was peaceful and pain free. As some of you may know, our beloved moderator Sumi went missing a few weeks ago. About a dozen of us were frantically working to...
  16. Nifty

    Any Experience: Trenchless Sewer Line Repair Re-Piped?

    Well, the $5,500 guy lowered his bid because: 1) We live on a private unpaved road, so his costs to repair the road went down 2) He was between projects and if I could get him in next week he'd do it for cheaper. Due to this, he offered to do it for $4,500. My brother had a good point that...
  17. Nifty

    Any Experience: Trenchless Sewer Line Repair Re-Piped?

    The lowest bid I've received is $5,500. The most recent company did a camera / video of the line and said it actually doesn't look terrible except for the root entry at various points in the terracotta line. I'm very tempted to just pay to have the line rooted / snaked each year (regardless of...
  18. Nifty

    Any Experience: Trenchless Sewer Line Repair Re-Piped?

    Good points. I'm going to get a few different bids. Hopefully I can find something a little less expensive than $8,600!!
  19. Nifty

    Any Experience: Trenchless Sewer Line Repair Re-Piped?

    Ugh, I got lazy and paid the price (which was $70) :( I kept putting off doing more treatments. I kept thinking "oh, I'll do it when the roots are growing during the Spring" or "I'll do it after the roots have grown"... etc. So, the roots grew and the line backed up yesterday. I had to call out...