8 pints of tomatoes
1 quart of tomato juice
1 pint of tomato juice
Tomato city this year. I hope to can more on Saturday. We are doing green beans tomorrow. Mine did not bear much at all, and I bought two bushels to can. We are low on them, and I don't figure this is the year to have a lean...
I moved the Dom, and she did not take to the new nest. I have that happen several times this year. It has never happened before.
I had an Australorp hatch two chicks off out of 8 eggs. Now, I have another broody Buff Orpington. She wouldn't take to the nest either...
I pulled weeds in my onion beds, and harvested them. I am going to follow with carrots later this evening. I have brassicas up in the float bed for the fall crop.
18 half pints of pizza sauce
1 pt of juice (I run all the remains back through the food mill)
Working to can the remaining tomatoes now. It looks like the beans will be a flop unless this rain revives them. We will still have some more tomatoes, but the biggest harvest is done now. I am...
9 quarts of Spaghetti Sauce
7 quarts of Peaches
And zucchini bread...
Let's pray for beans on this second picking now that we have rain. And more tomatoes then corn. I love this time of year!!
I ordered a roll of regular mouth lids in April and still haven't received them. Luckily, I have plenty in stock to use right now, but they're definitely being bought up.
15 Pints of Sweet Pickle Chips
5 Pints of Green Beans
I did this on Friday evening. Tomatoes and beans this week probably. My beans are look questionable. They are so dry. We need a good rain shower badly.
I watched these videos a few weeks ago. I found them interesting for sure, but I do not get too hung up on them. The canon of scripture is closed, and there is nothing else new to be revealed until the Lord Jesus Christ returns.
However, this may work out as revealed to him and it may not. I...
One of my Australorps that I have in a cage has destroyed her second nest. I have no idea what happens, but she goes in and breaks a bunch of eggs every time. I am going to evict her this evening because I have another broody Buff Orpington... the cycle continues.
I did find out that yesterday...
We are old time hill billies from the mountains, and there ain't nothing like soup beans.
3 c. rinsed, drained, and soaked dry beans
1 slab of salt bacon (I prefer a big ham bone)
Red Pepper Flakes
Onion Powder
Cook all day on low heat until tender, and serve with cornbread, fried...
9 pints of pickle relish
9 pints of chow chow
I am sure I will have another batch of pickle something tomorrow or Thursday. Praying for plenty of beans and tomatoes!
I canned 5 quarts of green beans yesterday, made a double batch of pickle relish, and a batch of chow chow relish. The relishes had to set over night. I am going to can them when I get home from work tonight.