I feel your pain.
My hubby took three days off last week, so that meant I had him underfoot for five straight days. He was in a horrible mood for the first two of those days. (His work is currently driving him crazy) So between staying out from under grumpy's feet and trying to work around...
So glad to here the good news about your mom. I know she will feel so much better doing the rehab. It will be hard work, but she will start to make progress and that will help her mood lift so much! I will keep praying for you both.
After playing conversion tables for a bit that comes to about $8.10 a gallon for Neiklot in Sweden.
Here we are paying $3.14 a gallon for regular unleaded which I believe converts to 5.55kr a liter.
Here in America we drive big cars and trucks and travel long distances quite regularly...
SO glad that your mom is finally getting the care she needs. That is an answer to prayer! Hopefully with this new doctor on board and the rehab she will continue to feel better all around. :hugs
Maybe eating those goldfish is not the only way to make them turn a profit! Around here I have seen several adds SELLING those extra goldfish!
People buy them to stock their ornamental ponds AND as fishing bait. If you have that many you could start making a little profit while thinning...
Sorry you are feeling bad. I understand THAT one. We have been running around all week dealing with my dad's move and I was pretty worn out at the beginning of the day. Then today dawned sunny and nice and of course I got busy doing some of the "chores" on my list. Now my left arm will...
We all need to support each other even more in these hard times. :hugs
I think a book with an interesting subject like yours will be a GREAT way to minister to people and to help others to come to the Lord.
Get'er done girl! :thumbsup
It sounds like you need to get busy and get your mom into a care faculty. They will have the equipment and the training AND the extra hands. There is no need for her to feel all down and depressed like she is getting in this situation.
I wish you the best of luck finding a great place for...
GRRR ... those hospitals! We went through the same garbage when my dad started having all of his problems. You need to contact the hospital patient services. File a grievance. There are lots of people out there set up to act as protectors for the patients - contact them.
Your mother's care...
Sentimental? Yes that about describes it.
Not about just any of my old Bible's though, just one in particular. When I met my hubby at 15 years old I was a new Christian. I had a weird picture filled children's Bible that someone gave me growing up but that was all. Hubby gave me his old...
So glad to here that the stuff with hubby is better. :hugs I'll keep praying for that situation.
The knee is probably being aggravated by all of the rainy weather. Hopefully your doctor can do something that will help.
As for the farm situation ... maybe it is time to look for another...
The difference here is church doctrine.
The Catholic church believes that confessing to a priest will absolve the sin. They also believe that taking communion will bond you closer to God.
The churches that I have attended believes that the ONLY way to be absolved of a sin is to confess it...
I agree with BOTH Morel and Bee.
Communion is a act of obedience between a person and God. I believe that the importance of that act needs to be made VERY VERY clear to people, but ultimately it is an individuals choice as to whether or not they should be partaking at this time. Likewise...
I have been following along with your worries Morel. :hugs I just want you to keep the faith. My middle daughter got mad at hubby and I because we objected to the bad choices that she was making in her life and did not SPEAK to her immediate family for the next 3 years!! We had no idea...