Okay... so I was trying to get the guy's introductory video to embed (and run properly when anybody clicked on it). I solved it today, so now I believe the vid will play for anybody who wants to see it. There are really a whole lot of very good ones on his channel, so spend some time having a...
Small engines are something that pretty well all homesteads rely upon. Consider quads, push and ride-it style mowers, chainsaws, weed whackers, back-up generators, and snowmobiles for starters.
Beekissed took us on the right track for this sort of thing.
In my opinion, this fellow (a true...
Eliminated (without herbicide, of course) a fair amount of invading buttercup.
Did some rototilling in our larger garden.
Then transplanted some youngish raspberry plants into our raspberry rows. We've got two types of raspberry plants: some old stock that has inferior genetics for both cane...
Yeah, I was clear on that.
It's just that Sepp is who the permaculturists who make up the membership most often praise, even more than the Austrailians who published the early permie books (Mollison, Holmgren & those people).
The agricultural exemplar they most often point to on the Permies site is Sepp Holzer (Google that name with Google Images and you'll get a swack of hits). There's also a Wikipedia article about Holzer. Thing is, he inherited a multi-generational farm with farm equipment to move earth around...
I'm a member of Permies.com. My status there is not all that high - I'm identified, I believe, as a standard organic gardener (but a serious one).
I respect the site in that I believe its aims are to promote & discuss permaculture design & methods that are associated with it (or emerging...
Thanks. I went to your blog, too.
The blog date indicates you established the raspberry hugel in 2012. Do you have pictures of the raspberry bushes from later years? That'd be fun to say (and probably impressive, from what you're relating). :)
I’m wondering who here has tried hugelkulture. If you have, I have a few questions…
Have you felt that production of edibles from the hugel(s) was high, or not (compared with other methods you’ve used)?
Do you feel the hugel (mound or high-raised bed) is a good use of space, and a good use of...
On another thread I posted to recently, after my long absence, Beekissed mentioned she was eager to hear about what's happening on our homestead. Not all that exciting, really - we're more or less in maintenance mode this year.
Very late spring season, as we had a lot of cold, some late snows...
I wonder if there are opportunities for you near home? I can think of a couple situations I've seen here & there... Night school or weekend courses (and access to equipment via schools). Shared-use facilities open to the public, often involving a membership of some sort - such as what is...
I'm back & just happened to think of returning to post a little DIY project. You're a sweetheart for remembering me, Beekissed.
Nice to learn that MoonShadows remembered me, too.
As you say 'down there', hi y'all !
Hi everyone. I haven't posted in quite a while... don't know if you'll remember me.
But anyhow, here's a project I did last year (and "road tested" this past winter & early spring). It's a firewood rack for our porch. The east end of the porch itself sits only about 10 yards from the big...
Hello - I haven’t posted here for a while. I thought I’d share this very simple and useful tool that I made from a few things lying around my shop. It’s a fid. A fid is used for untying tight knots in cord or rope, by pressing the pointed end in and working a loop (or loops) of the knot a bit...
If you find old post lamps w cast-iron bases, and you find them real cheap, you could also maybe use them for sprinkler-stand bases. You just need something with a bit of a "footprint" and 15 pounds or so of weight to it.
These are a couple of sprinkler-stand bases I made (or modified, in the...
Kudos for the bench - concept to finished useful thing. Lots of care taken.
I've visited Tucson a couple times, last time being probably 10 years ago. Why has Tucson city hall decided to do that? Too bad. I feel sad for you.