parker is such a good boy. seeing him give her such a gentle lick almost brought tears to my eyes. so sweet.
I guess I get to show off my 'farm' dogs too. Janice Joplin, call name JJ came from an English shepherd rescue in Joplin, Missouri hence the name. when I played my Janice Joplin cd's...
forgot to answer your question about lgd's and birds of prey. I know you asked bay but i'm a busy body so I thought i'd throw my 2 cents in. yes my Anatolians all barked and chased big birds away from the barnyard and the chickens. any thing bigger than a bluejay was fair game. now JJ has...
i'm really pleased with the ones I got. ordered them from murrymcmurry a couple of years ago. they lay good, are great mamas and do a good job of fending for themselves free ranging. the roo is even tempered and is polite to me and protective of his ladys. crazy person that I am have been...
well i'm not in the lgd community either so I don't know I just have never experienced it. and yes indeed I know what tannerite is. have red necked country boy friends that play with that stuff.
good for youall! a new barn and all free. can't beat that deal with a stick.
I don't know if you remember me talking about crossing my dark Cornish chickens with my rir to make a better meat bird but I've got 3 cross roos that I am going to butcher in the next couple of weeks and i'll let you...
i'm hard pressed to believe that neutering plays a large part of it. may be wrong but every Anatolian that I ever had was neutered at about 8-9 months and I never had one become fearful of loud noises. could be wrong, that's been known to happen before. flash bang is the name of those...
thanks guys. emma is 14 years old and only weighs about 15#. got her on the left front leg. she is still walking hoppity legged but at least has started drinking this afternoon. still not wanting to eat anything yet. JJ is the English shepherd, she is 2 1/2 years old and weighs almost 50#...
emma goes in the house when we are shooting but JJ stays with me. emma also lays beside me during thunder storms while JJ sleeps or if there is a really big crack she'll look over at me like are we ok mom? emma never use to be afraid of guns or storms until my psudos-SIL fired a couple of...
well today started off with a bang, literally... as I was going outside this morning to say good morning to the world JJ the English shepherd started barking 'that' bark so I looked over the edge of the step and laying there where I was fixing to put my little sandaled foot lay a copperhead...
Bee, I have used the same type of method for years with my roosters and it works so well. I start when they are young making them move away from me and the girls and by the time they are grown they stay away from me. I also will squirt them with the power spray from the garden hose. when i'm...
lol, I've never had a maremma jump the fence but the first pair of 'tolies I had jumped over 48" woven wire with 2 strands of barbed wire on top to scare 2 years growth out of the neighbor down the road as she jogged past with her dog. she still jogs but no longer brings a dog with her. now...
it's not that the Anatolians were roamers but they would be on one end of the place and the goats/sheep would be on the other. Katie was my first maremma and her partner at the time was jasper, a 120# 'toile male. when he died I went ahead and found another maremma because I really liked the...
just have to share some pictures of my broodies. not all chickens but good mama's none the less. first pic is a BA who hid her nest and presented me with 5 fuzzy black babies. second pic is of one of my dark Cornish hens who sat on and hatched a dozen muscovie ducklings, she was so confused...
I have a Bissell that does well on pet hair and dirt, both of which I have plenty of. I have no carpeting in my house so this one does great for me but I don't think I would recommend it if you have carpet.