Yup, I'm counting down with you.
Windchill at -40 right now. It's not my first time with those temps, but it's already been so cold for the last two weeks that -40 just feels like being kicked when you're already down.
I think I'll get 20 total this time around.
I may consider getting EEs sexed.
My straight runs I got last year were an ok split; heavy on the roos. Of 25, 9 were pullets. I lost a couple and I'm not sure what sex.
Indeed, water was actually stopped, I was just seeing what was left in the pipes.
But DH came home, found the frozen intake, and it thawed out in not too much time.
So hurrah! Now we know to be more cautious in these temps.
I thought a mixed basket would be nice; and something a bit different if I'm selling to just a few people.
My layers already have a good spectrum of browns so the Welsummers and EEs would add to that.
I'm not sure yet how many layers I want to keep in total. I have 13 now, this new batch will...
Buckeyes for sure
Barred Rocks probably (I know Dominques are better, but these aren't birds I'm planning to keep for a long time and they're cheaper so I think I'd like to see how they do, plus these will be more for egg laying)
Maybe Easter Eggers, maybe Welsummers
I'm thinking about selling eggs next year, so I'm leaning towards getting a couple non dual-purpose breeds. But the problem is that everything on the homestead is "dual purpose", so spent hens will still be used in the soup pot. I don't want to get birds that are too small.
Plus I still need to...
I used to have a smaller list:
Plymouth Rock
Jersey Giant
New Hampshire Red
Cuckoo Maran
Ameraucana (EE)
For me, while cold, it isn't a big change from all the other winters. It's just a longer spell of cold then usual, but the temperatures themselves are pretty normal. Last winter was unusually warm and presented a different set of issues.
I am sympathetic to those who aren't used to prolonged...
Yikes Mini, sounds like you're weathering it fine for now, figures crossed you get to keep your power! :fl
I'm far inland north of the great lakes so no snowmageddon for me, but the winds are supposed to start coming in shortly and with it a huge plunge in temperature. And we are supposed to...