There were hoops on the deer chomped trees, just too tall or too short, they were installed by the previous owner. The ones we have installed go from the ground to about 5' tall. I like your pool idea, I may copy it. 😁
Started getting the new garden zone put together. Hubby is on a grow pot kick, I'd prefer more permanent raised beds, but we'll try these this year.
Started some seeds last night, probably should have started them last month but hopefully they will still produce. Can you transplant beans or...
Exciting! My one successful graft (a cherry) from last year didn't survive the winter. The rootstock from the deer chomped apple tree got ran over by hubby in the tractor, but I'm hoping it comes back. If it does, I can try grafting it next spring. There's another deer chomped peach that might...
Can you gently bend the suckers out to the side a little farther away from the trunk and then feed them through the bottom of a pot? Fill the pot with dirt with some rooting hormone but leaving the top of the sucker sticking out, and add more dirt as it gets taller? Then in spring before the...
Thank you for the link to your thread. I can definitely use more guidance on grafting, I am not an expert and this year was the first time I tried it. I will be trying again in the fall when I get more root stock and scions.
It was very exciting to see it growing! Since my post the deer have attacked and chomped a lot of the leaves from the rootstock and scion, but both are coming back. I planted it out in the orchard with a hoop around it so it should be safer now. I haven't checked the two loquat grafts in a while...
I checked on my grafted tree and it's alive!! The graft worked!
My first time grafting and 1/5 are growing, 2/5 look like they didn't take, and 2/5 still to be determined.
I bought some from Baker Creek in October last year. The bulbs were already trying to grow when I went to plant them; I believe they bloom in September? I have them in pots on my front porch. I'm in zone 8/9, and they have been snowed on once. It melted within a day or two and all the bulbs seem...
Sorry you lost some hens but really cool that you may have a nest nearby. I wonder if there's a raptor tracking group who would know the birds or would like to track them?
Also it's amazing how many feathers a single bird actually has. When ours molt it looks like a pillow exploded or...
I'd love to try, but I think I'll have to wait until we get our garage built, so we have a secure and hopefully temperature controlled (mostly) place to let it do its thing. Or the root cellar built, that would definitely be temperature controlled. I'm hoping to have lots of different fruits and...
Can you split off some of it and add different fruits to change the flavors? Or does it not work that way? My brain is kind of picturing it like a sourdough starter..
So, the regular trunk is approximately 2' taller than the air layered one.
I opened the pod and it's got two bitty roots on one side. It doesn't appear to have any of the outer layer of bark connected from the upper to lower portion, and it has been growing new leaves, so I'm assuming it's...
Picture update from this morning, avocado is still doing good. I haven't opened the pod again yet. I will probably give it another week or two. I'm still watering the top of the pod each time I water the plant.
Can you set up a mister for the ducks? It really does make a huge difference in cooling the area for the animals. Plus it's more water so the ducks should be thrilled.
Have you looked into RatX? It's supposed to only effect rodents, basically after they eat it it tells them they aren't thirsty, so they dehydrate themselves to death because they forget to drink. Doesn't harm any critter that eats the dead/dying rodents. Doesn't work as well during the rainy...
I tried to take some pictures last night of the good avocado air layer, I think it was a little too late in the evening so the pictures are crud. But, I think there were some little tiny nubbins of roots thinking about growing. I make sure to water the pod each time I water the plant and I think...
One possible reason the three pods failed and the others didn't (besides lack of rooting hormone) is that those pods were either in direct sunlight or only partial shade. The other pods are almost all fully shaded. I bet they got cooked/dried out.
I still haven't popped the pods open to check officially, but the ones on the lilac look ok, no wilting. The jasmine pods also look ok, but I think the whole plant is stressed from the heat. The guava appears to have wilted and possibly died, the parent plant is happy and has new leaves, so I...