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  1. mrscoyote

    Does anyone here have or know about MS

    Thanks, :hugs I ask because all the info I have found is rather vague about what to expect. I just pray they are wrong.
  2. mrscoyote

    Does anyone here have or know about MS

    I am waiting on an appointment for a spinal tap. I have already done blood work, electrical impulse test, and an mri. The symptoms fit what I am dealing with so we shall see what the doctors come up with.
  3. mrscoyote

    I'm bored and looking for new recipes.

    Yumm, :drool sounds awesome, I love lemon pie.
  4. mrscoyote

    I'm bored and looking for new recipes.

    I remember seeing your big mac casserole, looks yummy. chicken parm sounds good to. I need the confidence to try some new spices or ethnic stuff.
  5. mrscoyote

    I'm bored and looking for new recipes.

    So can you guys share? I feel like it is mostly the same old thing day in and out. I need new chicken ideas for one and what do you do with ground beef and pork chops?
  6. mrscoyote

    black cohosh for hot flashes?

    I have been taking this for over a year on the recommendation of my doctor and it has helped with my pre- menopause symptoms.
  7. mrscoyote

    Garden trellising

    According to square foot gardening each cuke gets one square foot. I am using cattle panels attached to T -post for mine to climb up.
  8. mrscoyote

    DIY For Boer Goats

    Here is a simple option that we use for our Nubian buck .
  9. mrscoyote

    North Vs. South

    Because I lived over there for 2 years with my husband who was active duty working with the south Koreans and saw first hand how things were.
  10. mrscoyote

    North Vs. South

    None of the above, South Korea is totally capable of handling the north. They do not need US intervention. North Korea has been the loud barking dog for years with no bite.
  11. mrscoyote

    Rooster Processing

    If there is anyone close to me that would like to learn. I would be happy to teach them how. Nancy
  12. mrscoyote

    how do you schedule?

    Thanks Corn Woman, I feel I should clarify a little. The schooling part is easy. Ds is very advanced and enjoys lessons. My problem is trying to keep life and farm chores from keeping me from ds.
  13. mrscoyote

    Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

    Sounds like a nice quiet space. Enjoy
  14. mrscoyote

    What did you do to save $ today?

    Made waffles using our goat milk and duck eggs. :drool
  15. mrscoyote

    New Here-And have so many questions-Day 1

    :welcome For me SS has been a journey of buying local and cutting back on the consumer mentality. So I look for what I can do and grow myself and I avoid the big corporate businesses. Nancy
  16. mrscoyote

    how do you schedule?

    Thanks guys. It's good to hear how others get along. We had a different lifestyle when I schooled our to older daughters who are now 25 and 26. Dh was still active duty and we lived the city life. Now with Dakoda who is 8 we live in the country and Dh is retired. We get things done it just seems...
  17. mrscoyote

    how do you schedule?

    I would love to here how you organize your days. It seems by the time I get morning chores done (house and animals), coffee checking e-mail and other msgs it is 10 or later then lessons and breakfast is usually closer to lunch time. Then add in scouts, baseball, church on Wed and Sundays and I...