I put aside my plans for today and decided to attack the laundry/craft room as the pile is largest in there in a small space. Finished shredding 2 boxes and a huge bag of stuff we collected last October prior to moving. 3 large trash bags full. Got about 1/3 of the room cleared.
Not dinner, but breakfast. Harvested a large russet from the garden yesterday and made the wife crispy hash browns this morning. She hasn't been able to eat commercial hash browns for years due to the added sulfites. She used to love them.
Aside from when she was a child with her momma, she...
Final tally...3 bags of donation, I bag of trash, 8 totes/boxes gone through. Heirloom afghans consolidated into one tote, Christmas stuff in another tote, 3 totes remain empty. Spare bedroom renovation one step closer to starting (paint, new carpet, etc.)
2 weeks since I posted an update here. Time flies. Got the mowing down last evening after work, lots of time on the orange thinking chair.
The trip to see my friends last weekend was a good time. Lots of solo travel time to get my head together. And us guys talked about perspective on life...