When my grandparents tree roots were interfering with their septic system, they opted to having the tree cut down and added some field drains. It still feels like that tree would be there.
I'm probably having a related problem, and would need to most likely start over with a new septic tank...
Nothing is simple for me. I can't just go out there and hurry though something to save my life. I have to multiply my work. Well, DH didn't come for the girls Friday as he said he would. He went party instead. Then he comes here today, after I had finished most of my chores and I am...
Thats terrible.
At least do the tea candle thingy if its really cold and the rooms are small enough.
To tell the truth, I was having one of my flight of ideas this morning and was just thinking to myself, that if I concentrate most of the candles in the center of the platter and just put the...
I got into the habit of line drying out of necessity also and refused to buy a new dryer. I pulled out the repair books and was getting ready to fix it myself when DS bought a $3 part and fixed it for me. But we went 4 months without any dryer at all and survived and even after that, I was in...
Line dry my clothes, regardless of rain (inside lines as well as out), unless its very cold and I don't mind using the gas dryer but to double dip and use as heater, as well as dryer.
Recently bought several solar charging units as Christmas gifts and as house accessories, so now our...
In 2 days it will be 30 years I am married and we used a boxwood stove from the very beginning and now use a potbelly. We only cut down one single tree in all those years and it was the first. Looking back, it saddens me to have taken down that tree and I can only say we did it from youth and...
Things have been a bit quiet the past couple of days. I have the water barrel trap up there and the repeating rat and mouse traps up there but DS had also thrown a bunch of big poison pellets, which are all missing.
The good thing is I don't yet smell anything. He just finished his first...
My great sadness is almost upon me. DH called last night to tell me he was bringing me a vegetable soup he cooked, because he was bored and would most likely be leaving most of it with me when he brings the girls to his house :( Yeah....thats the thing. I am still not used to them leaving...
Ex's can be a mess. It is sad when our kids have to suffer for a relationship we couldn't get under control.
Hope you get to keep your child as much as possible.....primary, if the judge listens to you. But a mother has a lot of say. Pray your child safety. I am sure you taught him...
I was wrong actually. In the dark it resembled, but its just a different weed that grows here. Today I was working in the garden and I had 2 of them growing as buddies together.
I so beat myself up today. Most likely will feel it tomorrow. I put the T frames from my old clothes line in the...
Nice dish drain. I also don't have (or want) a dishwasher. Costs too much to run and I'm not that spoiled anyways. Been catching up with you over the past few minutes and have to admit, I need to read up on pellet stove usage.
They are some really tough plants. I searched and searched a few days ago to find them. As common as they are in my yard, you'd think they would be top of the list, right there with ragweed.
It was a little dark when I went outside to do my final run down on the animals and make everything ready for night, but look at what I ran into. I'm pretty sure this is one of my mystery weeds, which has escaped chicken and goat harassment. I used a flash, so it looks a lot lighter than it...
Yeah, I had read those comments. They are good. I use 2 wading pools for my ducks, but I suppose they can be used as planters. I can keep it in mind, but I am thinking to just use Momma's stockpile of plastic drums and cut them each in half. I figure they will stand taller and give me more...
My oldest bed is totally waiting for plants or seeds. DS helped me move the bulky tractor off of it. I tied the 3 Araucanas with one single foot each to a problem area, nearby so they can clean up for me a while, seeings as I moved their house.
Also, replaced the retaining wall blocks that...
I want to go half and half.
I'm not planning on doing away, entirely with having a water bill, but it would be awesome to have my animals off grid with the water, and I already have the tank to set them up. It only holds 250 gallons though. I would also like to have one closer to my house...
I tackle it a little each day, even when I don't want to. Yesterday I started putting a new coat on my clawfoot bathtub. Glad I did, but its still tacky, so will wait until tomorrow to put the 3rd coat on it. It is so shiny. I didn't tell anyone outside of my house that I'm doing it, so when...
Ouch......I have planter's fasciitis and I need to take really good care of my feet. I need boots, but not for snow.....it maybe snows here once a decade, if that. I live in a bayou region and it sometimes floods and gets really muddy after. Well, I was having trouble with my boots, cuz I...