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  1. Myhouseisazoo2

    Someday Farm, yup someday it will all be just the way i want it..........

    :weeethat dog is super adorable!! And my goodness you have quite a lot of land! Someday farm sounds amazing (no pun intended but it sounds a lot like my hopefully someday dream) though I'll probably have to move to another state! The thought of dealing with Mountain lions, black bears, red...
  2. Myhouseisazoo2

    Real food? - Mini vent.

    Yes please, I am very interested!:)
  3. Myhouseisazoo2

    Real food? - Mini vent.

    Ooo! I've tried growing stuff in the smaller pots before getting my house but didn't have room for the bigger ones, I'll definelitly have to try this (even if its just tomatoes) the bunny poo is excellent news for me as we're planning on raising some rabbits for meat and I know from past...
  4. Myhouseisazoo2

    Real food? - Mini vent.

    Hmm I may have to try this... Next year I'm trying to turn my entire front yard and half my back into a garden and this would probably help massively with nutrients. Twinnie clarified for me apparently the dairy place that's some where around here just processes the dairy items. So I probably...
  5. Myhouseisazoo2

    Real food? - Mini vent.

    You can ship just about anything here so long as it isn't deamed hazardous/invasive. Twinnie tried to buy some sort of wheatgrass a couple months ago and it was confiscated by customs because its viewed as an invasive weed instead of food here.
  6. Myhouseisazoo2

    Make your own tea!

    Sadly I don't make this one; but there's a "mexican" market where you can buy dried hibiscus blossoms for eating/tea (I assume its the same method of steeping/mixing). I'm trying to grow some so I can homemake (I don't like that kids are able to stick their hands in the store blossom) I...
  7. Myhouseisazoo2

    Make your own tea!

    Wow! I love tea and this is really giving me some great ideas for what I should try to make. I've a friend whom sends me dried wild chamomile bundles she's made at home :love I love it! Sadly though she hasn't had time to collect this year so I've been drinking store bought ones. Recently I've...
  8. Myhouseisazoo2

    Real food? - Mini vent.

    Hmm... I don't know if we have a dairy farm close by, twinsie says there's a factory around here somewhere but I've no clue where... Deb I think the poor mail people would be quite frightened of the package by the time it got to my house ;)
  9. Myhouseisazoo2

    Real food? - Mini vent.

    Hmm I don't think I can get Much horse manure around here (I live in AZ in an area where people aren't even allowed to think of having horses) do you think chicken manure would work??
  10. Myhouseisazoo2

    What an adventure!

    I am so glad everything worked out!!:celebrate
  11. Myhouseisazoo2

    What an adventure!

    :pop:pop good luck!!
  12. Myhouseisazoo2

    What an adventure!

    Too true!
  13. Myhouseisazoo2

    What an adventure!

    So from what I've read skunks can spray up to 6 times but after that it takes them an hour to rebuild their stink sacks arsenal.
  14. Myhouseisazoo2

    What an adventure!

    Ooo I hope he's gone when u get home, when I was little we'd get skunks in our yard all the time! Best to leave him be or get a really long stick to try and gently prod it away.
  15. Myhouseisazoo2

    Trying new foods.....maybe.

    I didn't know they had cricket flour, I wonder if it tastes any different. We can buy little boxs of dried crickets that taste like onion and sour cream from a sweets shop by my work but I'd really like to try them at home with different flavors.
  16. Myhouseisazoo2

    Chicks are hatching :)

    Hope everything goes well with the sticky fingers kid! Can't wait to see your new chicks <3 I love baby chicks and the peeppeep noises they make!
  17. Myhouseisazoo2

    Trying new foods.....maybe.

    Lol eating a few bugs doesn't bother me as much as it used to. Espeacilly since I started realizing how much protein is bug proteins. My twin wants to do a cricket tank for eating in our house since we're both okay with eating them but our mum freaks out every time we talk about it and says...
  18. Myhouseisazoo2

    Trying new foods.....maybe.

    Polar bear sound like the goat I raised my last year of high school for FFA (we ate one sold the other) needless to say goat ribs are quite fatty in my opinion but goat makes for amazing stew meat and jerky :drool Caribou is another one of those foods I'd like to try someday!
  19. Myhouseisazoo2

    Trying new foods.....maybe.

    Polar bear eh? Was it tasty?? I'm not a huge fan of "internal" organs and cow tongue unfortunetly falls into that category for me so I've been holding off on it but... I'm thinking of doing it this upcoming year