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  1. Myhouseisazoo2

    MyHouseIsAZoo2's SS Journal

    The tubs only been used for feed and was bought about a year and a half ago (same tub used where Lil sis kept her chickens for FFA last year) Maybe if I leave the lid off it might help?
  2. Myhouseisazoo2

    Make your own tea!

    :) I haven't done it myself but I've a friend that slices two tablespoons of fresh ginger and steeps it for 2-4 minutes before drinking it every day, she says her mom does the same thing but she grinds hers up first. In the three years I've known her she's been sick once.
  3. Myhouseisazoo2

    MyHouseIsAZoo2's SS Journal

    I Its sitting on the ****wood (pardon my language) board that makes the floor of the shed (it was built before we moved in someday we'll upgrade to better quality floor), I could probably put bricks under the tub to give it height/airflow This might sound weird but I honestly just assume it...
  4. Myhouseisazoo2

    Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

    I can't remember where I saw it but there was someone who had done a similar set up with the roofing tile and tilted it like that but put a gutter in the front so that the stuff would roll into the gutter then to both ends and into pipes that lead to buckets.
  5. Myhouseisazoo2

    MyHouseIsAZoo2's SS Journal

    Blessed silence continues to reign the backyard, now the girls can free range as well though they don't seem to terribly interested in going to far from the coop yet. Should have probably waited a bit before feeding them their regular feed.... Speaking of which, I had to throw 1/4th of a bag of...
  6. Myhouseisazoo2

    Make your own tea!

    Guys, I bought this fantastic powdered ginger tea from the Asian market! It comes in a box w/ 20 packets for $4ish. Heat water pour packet in stir and voila! Hot ginger tea, I drink mine hot till about halfway down and cool the rest with some semi-warm water and raw mesquite honey that I bought...
  7. Myhouseisazoo2

    Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

    I was going to suggest the metal roof shingle things but you beat me to it. if you can get it set up so that a flat styled broom/brush can slide in between the cage and the tile that could make clean up easier.
  8. Myhouseisazoo2

    Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

    This would have probably taken me forever to get down :l
  9. Myhouseisazoo2

    MyHouseIsAZoo2's SS Journal

    @ Britesea I guess or something like that. Guess little sis decided against roosters for fair. While I was writing this the guy showed up and bought all the roosters! Peace can reign in my backyard once again! Now I have $20 to buy more feed. Also I'm fairly positive all my buffs are female...
  10. Myhouseisazoo2

    Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

    I personally for fur purposes would love to get harliquinn/calico rabbits. Haven't decided o. The breed yet but it has to be something hearty and heat resistant as I don't have much room in the house for them :'(
  11. Myhouseisazoo2

    MyHouseIsAZoo2's SS Journal

    Well got someone who's interested in the roosters but I'm feeling kind of eh about it, Twinnie talked to him via phone and it sounds like his English isn't too great, guess he kept asking about eggs but the ad we put up mentions eggs NOwhere in it. The few other people that had answered asked...
  12. Myhouseisazoo2

    Chicks are hatching :)

    I'm thinking that if I ever have kids I'll adopt. I love most baby animals. Especially ducks and chickens <3
  13. Myhouseisazoo2

    Bacon Jam!

    This sound interesting! I'll have to give the recipe to my parents, they love bacon everything at their house. She goes to this website to buy things like bacon popcorn, bacon mayonnaise, bacon lip gloss, bacon salt etc.
  14. Myhouseisazoo2

    Chicks are hatching :)

    :eek: babies! I'm such a sucker for baby animals (except human babies... Is that weird?) Can you guys post pictures? :weee
  15. Myhouseisazoo2

    MyHouseIsAZoo2's SS Journal

    I haven't had it in a long time but we used to eat it a lot when I was a little kid (when we lived in Michigan) Its a very low fat lean meat so its good for you and I hear/read a relatively cheap meat to produce at home. Plus I'd really like to use the furs to make blankets and such. I can't...
  16. Myhouseisazoo2

    MyHouseIsAZoo2's SS Journal

    @Britesea dang! They move fast! I want rabbits for meat and fur (keeping fur after culling for meat) my mom says she'll see if dad can come help us and that its easier to cull mammals than birds. She says it infinetly easier to clean the insides out as well! I'm hoping its true!
  17. Myhouseisazoo2

    MyHouseIsAZoo2's SS Journal

    Well... I culled my first rooster today... And it was both a wonderful and horrifying experience. Wonderful because now I sort of know what the hell to do. Horrifying because I've come to realize I can't kill my roosters currently (Twinnie did the actual killing and we split the cleaning) we...
  18. Myhouseisazoo2

    MyHouseIsAZoo2's SS Journal

    Heehee thats ones a camera hog for sure. I'm not sure what's different about these ones but their much friendlier and less frightened than my first batch of chicks.
  19. Myhouseisazoo2

    MyHouseIsAZoo2's SS Journal

    Thought I'd put an updated pic of the little ones
  20. Myhouseisazoo2

    MyHouseIsAZoo2's SS Journal

    Your okay twinsie :) Most places where you can buy chicks out here will let you buy just one. If I knew that most people out here bought them for more than just "Awwwie how cute~" and then tried to get ride of them once they where no longer the cute puffballs that they are, I'd say that it was...