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  1. Myhouseisazoo2

    MyHouseIsAZoo2's SS Journal

    Day three: The great table hunt continues.... Today I'll talk about my chickens, we'll started off with the original two Suzanna who is a wheaten (and won two blue ribbons and best of reserve @ last years county fair) my youngest sister showed her as part of her FFA program. Barbosa was a male...
  2. Myhouseisazoo2

    MyHouseIsAZoo2's SS Journal

    Heehee my ducks the night before they got moved outside
  3. Myhouseisazoo2

    MyHouseIsAZoo2's SS Journal

    I go in to feed them and they run to the other side of the pen, try to pick em up and they make it seem like your trying to murder them in a most villainous fashion... But they are starting to quack so their cute <3 My mom laughed at how Bubbles was named... Bubbles and Pinky are cresteds and...
  4. Myhouseisazoo2

    MyHouseIsAZoo2's SS Journal

    For some reason I forget that some homes only have one restroom. They got a little plastic pool to play around in two night ago and they seem really leery of it. I know they play in it because the darn things filthy but I never get to see it... Maybe someday
  5. Myhouseisazoo2

    MyHouseIsAZoo2's SS Journal

    Yupyup I'm lucky enough to have two bathrooms
  6. Myhouseisazoo2

    MyHouseIsAZoo2's SS Journal

    Oh! Forgot questions 4. What would you do with your spare time if you had any resources you needed? The better question would be what wouldn't I do? 5. Have you ever built a house , or other types of building? Do you want to? When I was little and still lived in Michigan I helped my dad build...
  7. Myhouseisazoo2

    MyHouseIsAZoo2's SS Journal

    Day two: Hmm maybe its a little weird to label these by days makes it seem like I'm in a prison camp or some nior movie :cool: So I think I'll talk a bit more about my ducks today. I purchased Oreo, Pinky and Bubbles from a lady I found online. At the time they where only a day or two old and...
  8. Myhouseisazoo2

    Laugh(s) for the day

    He sure did :D
  9. Myhouseisazoo2

    Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

    I'm glad to hear your ducks feeling better <3 was it very hot recently? I ask because a fair amount of the symptoms sound like my rooster that passed this past summer from heat stroke... Except for the drooling and muscle shakes
  10. Myhouseisazoo2

    Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

    I'm sorry to hear about you duck I hope she gets better!
  11. Myhouseisazoo2

    MyHouseIsAZoo2's SS Journal

    :oops: Figured I'd give a SS journal a try as it looks like all the cool kids are doing it... So here it goes... Day one: Self intro As previously stated in my intro journal my names myhouseisazoo2 and I was introduced to SS via BYC (which my Twinnie introduced me to) In the last year I was...
  12. Myhouseisazoo2

    Real food? - Mini vent.

    A rock wall would give you a lovely natural look too <3 I found something pretty interesting involving stone structures. Its pretty cool!
  13. Myhouseisazoo2

    Chicks are hatching :)

    I am definitely gonna take a look into this, I want to raise both for meat and for eggs so it I think it would be beneficial for me to get one. Plus I can be involved in the process from day 1 and not worry about trying to schedule time to buy them from someone else :)
  14. Myhouseisazoo2

    Chicks are hatching :)

    If I don't plan on doing large batch's would it be okay for me to do smaller ones? Say I get a 20 count machine but only put 5-15 in it will it still work okay or will it not be as effective?
  15. Myhouseisazoo2

    Chicks are hatching :)

    I may have to look into one... I tried letting my eldest hen (a lovely Americana wheaten) brood over her eggs earlier this year. She nested on three originally and we discovered that our rooster (at the time) had snatched one out, we removed him and she nested for a few weeks more one egg...
  16. Myhouseisazoo2

    Real food? - Mini vent.

    Wow! I've seen the massive one they have someplace in Michigan and its pretty amazing! For some reason though it never occured to me that people could keep/make one for their backyard :) Thanks for the info and welcome to SS!!
  17. Myhouseisazoo2

    Chicks are hatching :)

    That little turd! How dare he throw rocks at your hen :somad sounds a lot like some kids I know! Glad the other hens doing well, is it hard to use incubators?
  18. Myhouseisazoo2

    Real food? - Mini vent.

    Do you have old Christmas lights? There's a lady in my mom's neighborhood who starts her plants in her garage during the winter and puts old Christmas lights under/around the pots and somehow they heat up the plants/dirt?? I'm honestly not sure how it works but somehow it does...