Most toilet paper is septic tank safe. Sure, it adds some solids to the tank but it is minimal. Sanitary napkins and the like are a no no.
Someone compared ash to the solids in a septic, that's correct. There will be something left after the bacteria do their thing.
Ridex, yeast, enzymes...
You can the methods mentioned for cooking and soaking things. Put your food and water in a container and wrap it in insulating material. It's a backpacking trick. Soak and cook your food while it's in your pack and you're on the trail. The ice chest is good for large quantities. Maybe get...
Septic tanks do have to be pumped periodically. How often depends on a lot of things. A septic tank typically has two chambers, one chamber collects solids and works anaerobically with bacteria digesting the solid waste. However, there are still solids left over. Eventually the solids will...
I'm glad you haven't died. I would miss your posts.
I just wanted to point out the chance of chemical leaching. There are people on SS that are afraid to microwave water in a glass dish because they think the chemical composition of water will change to something bad.
It can be done but it might not be a good idea. If you are worried about chemicals leaching out of the plastic and into your food I would avoid it.
All I did was skim it pretty quickly but it looks like it is just a panel with a battery in a fancy case. The design of the web site screams that the product is not what is cracked up to be.
You always get flamed? Maybe because your post is full of don't tell me and don't believe.
Africa. I've been to Ethiopia and Kenya and I did my master's thesis on the Sahel. Famine in Africa (a large place) is complicated but a major contributing factor is distribution of food. Factors in...
Check with your health department. They should be able to tell you the options for your area. There are many types of septic systems. What works for a sandy loamy soil won't work for a clay soil. You might be able to plan it so the system for your cabin will also serve your house when you...
Dial up will drive you crazy because it is so slow. This forum will even probably be slow if a thread has photos in it. Most web sites are so heavy with graphics now I don't think you will be happy with dial up.