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  1. cabinguy

    Amish Friends

    Try taking the kids Popsicles on a hot day its special treat since they dont have refrigerators
  2. cabinguy

    officially firewood season has started for me

    That's true WV grit "Montani Semper Liberi"
  3. cabinguy

    officially firewood season has started for me

    That's awesome. How did they lift the logs with pulleys or machinery ? What memories and learning experience for your Boys to work with your Dad on a project of that scale.
  4. cabinguy

    officially firewood season has started for me

    :thumbsup beautiful pics love the cabin :thumbsup
  5. cabinguy

    officially firewood season has started for me

    I love my old Ford 9n it just keeps on running . DW did most of the ground work with the horses but needed help with training them to drive on the open road. 1st our Amish neighbor trained them next to his best bomb proof draft horse on his large heavy work wagon on the road. Then each one...
  6. cabinguy

    officially firewood season has started for me

    Bee What makes me feel good is when I leave for work in the AM after stocking the cabin with wood and stoking the wood stove for DW looking in my rear view mirror seeing the white plume of smoke coming from the chimney.
  7. cabinguy

    officially firewood season has started for me

    Bee I understand about using the splitter I'm trying to resist because I hate the noise of the engine and smell of the gas and Hydraulic oil however I think in a few years age is going to win:old that battle and ill break down and use a splitter but until that time I'm skidding the logs with...
  8. cabinguy

    officially firewood season has started for me

    Hinotori I love my Truper Ive given my Step Son and a couple Amish Friends one as a gift because it works so well. Ive thought about purchasing a kindling cracker for splitting kindling I understand it works well and is very safe it was designed and marketed by a 13 year old girl what a story...
  9. cabinguy

    officially firewood season has started for me

    The order should have been reversed Tom Brady 1st :cool: then firewood
  10. cabinguy

    officially firewood season has started for me

    I thought those New England'ers loved firewood and Tom Brady ( My Dads family all from Ma & NH ) :cool: Cost of firewood = gas & oil for chainsaw and 4-5 weekends of free gym membership :)
  11. cabinguy

    officially firewood season has started for me

    Ok I enjoy skidding logs, using my chain saw, and splitting rounds with my maul. Its kind of like a gym membership that you don't have to pay for and it benefits you with a pile of fire wood. " People love chopping wood. In this activity one immediately sees results." - Albert Einstein-...
  12. cabinguy

    rodeogirl's journey to being self-sufficient

    Rodeo Ive only seen domesticated Buffalo in small settings and they just seem wild,mean and crazy . I just think they are meant to be in large settings like Yellowstone. President Grant sure got it right when he made Yellowstone the 1st national park. Like I said its top of my to do list when I...
  13. cabinguy

    rodeogirl's journey to being self-sufficient

    Stunning pics of Yellowstone. Ill be retiring in a few years Yellowstone is on the top of my must do list. Nothing is more grand than a wild Buffalo herd.
  14. cabinguy


    We ate our 1st mess of mustard greens from the garden. DW made a real southern meal; pork chops ,mustard greens, mashed potatoes w stewed okra/tomatoes/onion what a treat
  15. cabinguy

    Unlimted pasta bowl at Olive Garden for a year $300 :ep :ep
  16. cabinguy

    Up grading my off grid cabin to a 5 star rating

    Thanks for all the info Getty this site is a great place to share experiences. I noticed that on the Butterfly stove it has 22 individual wicks in comparison to the perfection that uses a one cylinder type wick ( see attached ) do you think that the multiple wicks produce more efficient...
  17. cabinguy

    Up grading my off grid cabin to a 5 star rating

    Our camp is in Ritchie County WV . When we first built the cabin we used a 3 burner perfection kerosene stove that was purchased at a Amish auction. The Amish use these in the summer often because their large wood stove gets their house to hot. We found that the kerosene stove created a smell...
  18. cabinguy

    Up grading my off grid cabin to a 5 star rating

    Almost done, but was able to use the shower this week end at camp. Foraged creek rock placed landscape plastic, built frame, placed rock and pea gravel for drainage Zodi and deck boards
  19. cabinguy

    Amish Friends

    I agree the Amish are great friends and a good resource. Joe Mackall a Ashland Univ. prof wrote a book about the Amish near me Plain Secrets: An Outsider among the Amish which is a good read if your interested in learning more about Amish. There are many types of Amish very liberal to very...