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  1. creativetwinszoo

    Xi said: "China is Battling a Demon Virus"

    🤢 That bat did not look pleasant and given its size I just dont think itd be worth the effort even if I was really, desperatly hungry. Also just curious knowing that snakes might carry it, would thoroughly cooking the meat kill off the disease (like with pork)? Or is that an unknown...
  2. creativetwinszoo

    Xi said: "China is Battling a Demon Virus"

    Most stores in the usa are less than 3 days away from empty and panic from most people. Most people have less than a weeks stored food so this is a good thing to think about. No better time to fix that for your home than to start now. $1.00 stores are good for tight budget prepardness
  3. creativetwinszoo

    CreativeTwinsZoo's journal of self sufficancy

    Oops @Lazy Gardener guess I answered the first part in the reply text box somehow 😅
  4. creativetwinszoo

    CreativeTwinsZoo's journal of self sufficancy

    At the college my first semester as a workstudy they had a community garden, you pay so much for the plot and keep it clean and use your own tools (including waterlines, they provided water) you had a plot for a year. Unfortunately it was the same area as the schools "farm" plot for the crop...
  5. creativetwinszoo

    CreativeTwinsZoo's journal of self sufficancy

    This is our first year being able to do the front garden so we're not really sure how well it'll go towards losses be they crop/weather induced or via the 2 legged kind lol. When we very first moved in there was a hibiscus Bush the neighbourhood kids kept it picked clean of flowers sadly...
  6. creativetwinszoo

    CreativeTwinsZoo's journal of self sufficancy

    It has been a very busy last few days, still not done entirely yet with the layout but finally seeing progress on the front garden!!! :woot I wanted to wait and show off the 'finished' result but just cant contain my excitement!
  7. creativetwinszoo

    CreativeTwinsZoo's journal of self sufficancy

    Hello hello! Hope everyone has been well! Started a new semester of class, sorry for the radio silence. Got some seeds sprouting up and we've been buying stuff up to get the rows in the front rolling along. Still need to get some fencing stuff decided but a bit at a time yay! Got to start...
  8. creativetwinszoo

    CreativeTwinsZoo's journal of self sufficancy

    Oh my!!! 💛💙💛💙🌱💙💛💙💛 that's a very lovely . sprouter!
  9. creativetwinszoo

    CreativeTwinsZoo's journal of self sufficancy

    I'm starting tomatoes and peppers for spring currently, I still need to add eggplants. Later gonna add more, thinking... Beans- bisbee black eyes, green and a cool stripey pink one Squash- zuchinni, a round variety and some long type, mayby a grey Melons- watermelon varieties Cucumbers- I know...
  10. creativetwinszoo

    CreativeTwinsZoo's journal of self sufficancy

    Good evening everyone! Hope you are all doing well and keeping warm! It's been pretty cold out recently here. Got some sprouts on my seed table-chamber :D Also finally getting some carrots from the garden!! :D. Been sketching out some ideas for a new coop, likely will be starting to work on...
  11. creativetwinszoo

    CreativeTwinsZoo's journal of self sufficancy

    Have you had any issues with the more 'delicate' plants doing that? Or has it been minimal damage?
  12. creativetwinszoo

    CreativeTwinsZoo's journal of self sufficancy

    Brussel sprouts are so tasty!! So far no luck, but wont be giving up!
  13. creativetwinszoo

    CreativeTwinsZoo's journal of self sufficancy

    Radishes do well as trap crops here, the ones at the school have ended up infested, with both nasty bragada beetles and aphids :/
  14. creativetwinszoo

    CreativeTwinsZoo's journal of self sufficancy

    Thank you, thank you, Dreaming is good, it means plenty of plan out time :) Cabbages did us a bit of a dud this year, granted I did plant waaaaay later than I expected too. Did michihilli and a plain head cabbage, the michihilli is doing great, but very loose, the plain is large lovely leaves...
  15. creativetwinszoo

    CreativeTwinsZoo's journal of self sufficancy

    Today's kind of an eh day, not been feeling so hot. Haven't been for a few days. But have been being as productive as can be for the upcoming garden. Sis and I made up a seed starter chamber area and got tomato seeds and some peppers seeds starting, here's hoping to a real good germination~ and...
  16. creativetwinszoo

    CreativeTwinsZoo's journal of self sufficancy

    @Britesea Lol no it did not 🤣 but I'm happy to see some growth, I planted them so late I was afraid I'd get no roots! @frustratedearthmother Hecks yes! Thank you!
  17. creativetwinszoo

    CreativeTwinsZoo's journal of self sufficancy

    Thank you, I figure with all the things that are good I've just got to try and take the bad with some salt. And absolutely! I'm hoping it keeps up and I do well for quite awhile. :)
  18. creativetwinszoo

    CreativeTwinsZoo's journal of self sufficancy

    First all, sorry for the weird sporadic reaction posts the last few days and for radio silence before. It has been a crazy last few months :/ Had a funeral for fiances uncle, to which there was an entire fiasco involving the just nofmil that left all of us with bitter mouth tastes. Then lil sis...