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  1. sumi

    Youngest Daughter Getting Married

    Congrats on your DD's upcoming wedding! It sounds like it's going to be a great event :)
  2. sumi

    rodeogirl's journey to being self-sufficient

    Only about 3 months to go. Less than actually! We can't wait to see her :)
  3. sumi

    Simply Sheep

    They're lovely Beekissed! So happy for you that you got them and I love their names :)
  4. sumi

    Elwood and family's journal of our ss journey

    Hope you guys have a safe and good trip!
  5. sumi

    Amish Friends

    Wish I could come join you CrealCritter. That sounds so nice and relaxing!
  6. sumi

    rodeogirl's journey to being self-sufficient

    Awww, the little one sounds busy already! When is she due again??
  7. sumi

    Dealing with MIL during FIL ALZ

    :hugs and prayer sent
  8. sumi

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Congrats @Chic Rustler for getting this week's POW!
  9. sumi

    Daydreaming while waiting impatiently!

    Congrats to your DS on his ribbon! You definitely need to enter some plants next time. Gosh, you'd think people would put pride and effort into their entries? Sorry to hear about the power out and storms, though it sounds like things are going o.k. now?
  10. sumi

    Hey hey hey - its real Hay

    Lovely! We had a lot of cutting and baling going on here over the last few weeks too. The weather played along and it stayed dry long enough for everyone to get their fields done.
  11. sumi

    Dealing with MIL during FIL ALZ

    @CrealCritter :hugs for all of you.
  12. sumi

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Congrats @rodeogirl for getting this week's POW!
  13. sumi

    Plants that keep bugs away

  14. sumi

    Hello from Alaska

    Welcome :frow
  15. sumi

    Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey

    OMG! Ouch, ouch, ouch! :hugs FEM, hope it's feeling o.k. now and you got some sleep. Gosh, that looks like it hurt.. A lot!
  16. sumi

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Congrats @milkmansdaughter for getting this week's POW!
  17. sumi

    Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey

    Gosh, FEM, so sorry to hear this :( It's so dang sad when a bad apple spoils everything for everyone. My son's first primary school that he attended here in Ireland was in a similar position, great staff, absolute angels. The school was amazing! Then someone high up's niece or...
  18. sumi

    Our patch of earth

    Me too! Nothing beats lying down on the bed with a good book, not some electronic device, a paper book.