Well, its a rainy-summer-monday. My idea of fun today is sitting backwards in the office chaidr, trying to eat watermelon witout hands then occasionally picking up the guitar and playing some Grateful Dead!
I concur... I guess.
OT< but this reminds me of a selct group of SS'ers. No names... http://www.gibbleguts.com/funny/wp-content/uploads/rumproast.jpg
:gig I heard this one today...
Farrah Faucet died 6 hours before Michael, she went to heaven. When she got there God asked what her one wish. She wished for the world to be safer for children.
God killed Michael.
You have already proven tht you weren't, aren't, and never will be a michael fan. Your "dissin'" him, and it cuts me up inside. Why don't you just go find a new thread where you talk about how awful he was. :(
:lol: I'm just kidding I think that guy was a bit of a creep too!