I'm so sick of this swine flu! When will we all realize that they will do anything for media and scaring the public. People have constantly said "people have died" that is because Mexico has very poor air quality and the baby that died already has problems. Stop scaring yourself folks!
I found a website while doing school work. I also realized, if I didn't look hard enoguh that there is no Recycling forum other than trash to treasure?
Yes, I know. We were just messing around, Backyard Pheasants though. How great would that be? :P
amos, I believe that the TGS is the same setup as the backyard sites. Just a little smalelr font, and a smaller different color change. the font is a bit too small for me though, and I don't have...
I often just plant those patio tomato plants in with my peppers for the hot sauce, just small little things though.
My Grandpa has had the big Boys and they get massive.
For peppers I try to plant....
Hungarian wax
Cherry hot
And a "hot pepper mix"
Its not a proper citation until put into the proper MLA citation format:
skr8pn, skr8pn. "Let the new puppies out for a bit today." Sufficientself.com 18 4 2009 1. Web.24 Apr 2009. <http://www.sufficientself.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2232>.
Pat, I used that phrase from this http://www.sufficientself.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=2232
I thought I would just make it more of a more common name, like fuzzy butts.
Whoo! Today before heading out we noticed in the back field a group of turkeys. We saw hens, a Jake, and two Longbeards. My dad watched them and when I got home we went down and made a little blind in the path that they went. :D
Tonight is going to be a sleepless night!