What about instead of making a lye heavy soap (which would be awful on your skin and possibly burn) if you go on SoapCalc and pick oils and amounts towards the "cleaning" end of the scale? Some oils are known for producing "moisturizing" or "sudsy" or "cleansing" or some other property. I don't...
One year my daughter and her best friend used boxes- sculpted a bit, and spray painted and went as salt and pepper shakers. I have a picture somewhere, but it has to be found and scanned in.
Hi, Krisac! :welcome
I use soapcalc.com- they have a page that tells you what each long chain fatty acid in each oil contributes to your final product, as well as having a neat calculator that is easy to figure out.
Superfatted means there is more oil in the recipe than can be reacted with...
Cool- we have a big basket store in our town (Basketville) and they ran a weekend class on basket weaving. It is cool, but the stuff seems expensive- the forms and the split willow and materials he used. I did enjoy it, but would like to find a less expensive way to do it.
We made a pencil cup...
Sorry your leg still isn't good :(
We don't eat canned fruit or fruit coctail, but I bought a bunch of Bush's canned beans- they have the whole bunch that we use, black beans, cannolini, white beans, pinto, kidney. And as I am using them they all have the plastic coating on the insides of the...
My first mold was an empty quart 1/2 and 1/2 carton. Just cut the top off, fill, set, peel the paper off and cut the bars. We have no shortage of quart cartons around here ;)
I keep all my soaping stuff separate- bought a cheapo ss pot at wal-mart, stick blender same place. Permanently borrowed...
I don't know- there isn't too much excuse for forgetting an anniversary. If even I can remember mine, anyone can! So, start a honey-do-to-make-it-up list. At least you will get something accomplished from a grumpy day.
He is awfully cute! It won't be long for the girls to come into heat with him around. I didn't know buck stink could be that much of a nuisance or that it could go through a fence to the girls.
This is a good thread- I organize my days off with this kind of list. A few must do, a few should do, a few dream on to do.
Chiropractor! I have a 6:20pm appt since that was all they had left. My back is horrible from picking up trash and stuff from an ex-hay field that was flooded.
Clean out...
Yeah! for getting winterizing done. We rarely finish winterizing before winter. :/ I do think it is going to be a rough winter again this year, too. One of the reasons I wanted to get more chicks to raise to help keep the ancient old girls warm this winter (I think that was the argument that...
Also, if you want them to taste like the ones you buy- I think most of them are dehydrated with honey or sugar. I tried bananas, too, and they were bland. I may try another batch with honey.
Sounds like things are moving forward nicely! I know that same jumpy feeling when you just can't wait to get out of someplace. And yea that your entire family is onboard with it!
Good luck with Thelma. :hugs I'm sure I wouldn't ever be able to do that.
I didn't ask him- I'm not sure it occurs to anyone up here to have crop insurance. No one is a huge conglomerate farmer and live pretty much on the edge. Not even the small food crop farmers have crop insurance I would be willing to bet.
The sand was just unbelievable. Luckily that end of the...
Hmm. I wouldn't mind a minimum of clothes- especially since closet space in this house is really pretty limited. I have khakis and shirts for summer work clothes, and turtlenecks and sweaters for winter work. I live in sweats at home- barn chores, sitting around, doing whatever. I have 2 pairs...
We spent the weekend helping our hay guy clean hurricaine debris out of his big field at the bow of the river. There was an incredible amount of junk- RR ties, tree branches, sheet metal from someone's shed upstream- just lots and lots of junk. And literally tons of sand. We loaded our new big...
Woot! on the honey :D How many hives do you have? What kind of extractor are you looking at? I'm not sure I want to harvest by hand.
I doubt we will harvest any this year since our starter first year hive had some setbacks this summer- like deposing the old queen and me not realizing it until...