I used the Braggs to jump start a bottle of unpasteurized apple juice. It worked- I used a quart canning jar "capped" with cheesecloth and swirled every couple days or so.
Well, there are a few stray yellow jackets hanging around the old nest, but it seems to be dead. :D Maybe I just have to wait for the stragglers to die off. And the tree is still alive. I suppose we will see next spring if it is OK or not.
These yellow jackets are inthe ground- under my Macintosh apple tree!
And old farmer around here suggested to pour ammonia down the holes after dark and cover them with plastic ziploc baggies filled with water to seal the holes. The ammonia shouldnt' kill the tree he said, and the ammonia will...
There are an awful lot of towns around here that are in the same boat. Hiking is the only way in or out of some of them. My thoughts are with your family.
Congratulations on getting her on the truck yourself!
And, there was an expose of slaughter houses a couple of years ago. They focused on cattle, but the same principles hold for any animals, I think. They do not get people working there that have any respect for the animals. I would be...
I have been knitting and crocheting for my whole life! Is the Tunisian crochet the one with the double ended crochet hook that you can use 2 different colors of yarn and it comes out ribbed looking and one color on one side and the other color on the other side? I am making an afghan with this...
I found that the wax from my brood frames is certainly darker than the wax from the honey frames. I cut off drone brood cells being built and have saved it in the freezer, but it is really dark brown. The beautiful wax is around the honey- which is currently being robbed by the yellow jackets...
I think the crashed tomatoes would be fine as long as they aren't actually looking like they are turned bad. And those peaches will make lovely jam! I did peach jam one year from peaches from my boss's tree. Very nice, but I tend to have more jam than I can eat anymore so I have trimmed down to...
On workdays I get up at 5:30-ish. It used to be 5, but it is so dark and I just can't get out of bed that early! It cuts into my morning, but I leave room built in to cut. Let dog out to pee, set up coffee ready to turn on, let dog in, head down the hill to the barn. For the elderly mare who is...
No- don't give up yet! It is easy once you do it once :D I missed the part about no vinegar. What do you do without vinegar?? I use it for everything! I even have white vinegar just for cleaning and soaping emergency lye spills, and home made apple cider vinegar to eat.
I kept a log book of soap expenses and income when I started. Well, more start up expenses for the first 6 months or so (scale, cheap pot, lye, soap only designated measuring cups and spoon/spatula, and a stick blender). I recouped my costs for everything- including scents, excluding oil (since...
I just do jams and jellies so far, and just use a big stock pot. I ALWAYS forget to put the dishtowel in the bottom!! And the canning racks don't fit a stock pot. And- buy the canning "kit" rather than pieces- I bought myself a jar lifter and funnel first and always wanted one of those magnetic...
I love the goat head one!
I have used Crisco also since starting soaping- I wanted cheap, readily available oils to practice on. The new Crisco (with palm) even had its own category on SoapCalc so I went with that and olive oil that I had already. I have since branched out and added coconut oil...