First of all, welcome edjanuary39! :frow
Second, just a word of caution on one of your person's "hoarding" is another person's "preparing for the worst." Just sayin'. :hide
Oooh, more code to practice on!! Thanks, Trim & AR!!!
V znl or jebat, ohg V qba'g guvax Znex (x0kkk) vf ba gur fvgr nalzber...? V'ir bayl frra uvz ba AUU yngryl. Abg fher jurer gur bguref ner. Tynq NaanEnira vf wbvatvat hf, gub!!
BTW, I think the idea in your OP, about building a HAM network...
Yes, I had questions about that too, Leta.
Marianne, were you thinking of parking the RV on a piece of land so you can have a garden, chickens, etc? Otherwise it would be difficult to be very SS, would it not? Or am I missing a piece of the puzzle? (not surprizing!) ;)
I know this thread is meant primarily for experienced users, but for those of us wannabe's, what is the best way to begin? Another thread mentioned a handbook for passing the test. Is there also a good website for obtaining more information? Sorry if this is going OT; I will find the other...
I saw some video on the news this morning showing a bunch of blown-out windows in Calgary, & wondered if you were affected at all...glad you're okay!
Do you have pix of your hoophouse showing the (zippered) doors that you're referring to? :)
I absolutely love the idea of doing this, but I can't wrap my head around doing the dome or arch. One of the pix shows a guy doing the brick arch over a pile of mud or clay, maybe...? I'm wondering if you couldn't use a large tube of some kind (cardboard? wood?) that would then burn away...
I have asked several chicken-related questions on this site, & always end up putting it under "everything else self sufficient", which seems to be the catch-all section. So yes, I vote for both a livestock AND gardening section.
Thanks for spearheading this, BB! :)
It's simply mind-boggling. How will it ever be paid back without a horrific amount of pain? Benefits will need to be cut to the bone & taxes will sky-rocket. I don't see any other way. And every day that passes the hole gets deeper & deeper.... :(