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    Porcelain Homesteading

    B-e-a-u-tiful! Nice job, BB! :D
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    JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?

    BTW, your piggies are CUUUUUTE, justusnak!! :D
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    WA HOO FarmerChick

    I think they went to the commission asking for 18% - ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME???? EIGHTEEN PERCENT??? The complaints were so bad, I think they scaled it back by half - like 9% isn't terrible enough, & we're supposed to be grateful??? See what you did, FC, you got me ranting again!!! :lol:
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    WA HOO FarmerChick

    Yeah, FC, I'll bet you're concerned about your power usage now that Duke Energy has asked for a huge rate increase...I expect it here, too, since those jerks bought Progress Energy. :rant :somad :duc They buy a competitor, have to lay off thousands of people when they consolidate operations...
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    How to save money on your Holiday package shipping

    When my nieces were younger & I mailed them Christmas presents, I found that USPS was always cheaper, which came as a surprize to me. Fortunately, nothing was ever lost. :D
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    Inexpensive Chicken Treat Feeder

    :lol: Mine did the same thing, Marianne...I hung it inside a net onion bag. It took A WHILE for them to figure out what to do with it. But I like the hanger idea, too. :)
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    Sewage Mud Burgers??

    Ah, that explains the "deja vu, all over again" feeling I got reading this!!! :lol:
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    Acorns used for making flour

    :lol: But seriously...I am QUITE envious of anyone with foraging expertise. They may be skinny, but when TSHTF, at least they'll still be alive. ;) (I guess that's why I was extremely interested in this thread; I may not know holly berries from Halle Berry, but I do know an acorn when I see...
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    Sewage Mud Burgers??

    So why does this really surprize anyone? Remember the movie "Soylent Green"...? :P
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    WA HOO FarmerChick

    I was too stuffed for pie!! I told them to save some for us, we'll probably be back on Sunday. :) Yes, it's very cold now...but I did bring shorts with me, & we did sit outside for awhile to enjoy the whether. I almost fell asleep on the couch. Should sleep well tonight, I hope...
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    WA HOO FarmerChick

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING, FC!! :frow Isn't it a lovely NC day today?? Just beautiful! Off to the in-laws in an'll be hard sitting inside watching football when it's so nice outside! Have a great day - stuff yourself along with the turkey!! :lol:
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    Welcome! :frow
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    Gobble Gobble Everyone!

    Thank you Marianne! Bless everyone, we have much to be thankful for!! :)
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    Where did everyone go?

    :yuckyuck :lol:
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    The xXx Gloom & Doom Report

    I thought I would add this, regarding the budget deficit, because I'm not a trained economist & I thought this (if true) helps put things in perspective. Our local newscast reported that if the federal budget was boiled down to a family household level, it would be equivalent to the following...
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    Where did everyone go?

    Ya'll are crazy-a$$ nuts. :plbb
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    Acorns used for making flour

    Thanks for the recipe, VP!!! :D If just plain acorn flour & water tastes good, I can only imagine how amazing this will be. Going to keep this one! ;)
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    The xXx Gloom & Doom Report

    No, unfortunately I think they're in menopause; I run a chicken retirement home now. :/ New batch planned for spring.
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    What do you do to cut expenses down?

    I want your Ranch dressing recipe, WBF! :)