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  1. freemotion

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    Hee-hee-hee.....I was just looking at some old pictures and thought I'd re-post this picture to show you what a REAL farm dog looks like, OFG! :gig
  2. freemotion

    It's Just DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!

    OK, I took offense at the bashing of my native tongue.....How come, you might ask? :P Thus began my journey on Google. Here is what I found.! I'm in good company! I'm refined and educated after all! :gig...
  3. freemotion

    Aunt Ellen's Salami

    I'm sure you could make this recipe with just plain salt....just use it up faster and understand that it will look like cooked hamburger and not pink store-bought salami. My bacon was somewhat grey last year but it tasted divine! "Development of color and FLAVOR...." smacks of msg. I'll have...
  4. freemotion

    Soap Making 101

    The Summerbee Meadow soap calculator puts the lye at 3.2 oz and the water/milk at 7.46 oz. Of course, there were several types of the oils you mentioned, so you'd have to do your own calculation since I didn't know what type of oils you had of each kind. But this gives you an idea. And I...
  5. freemotion

    Soap Making 101

    Go to the Summer Bee Meadow site and there you will find an easy calculator. Also or something like that is another common one. Put in each of your oils and the amounts you will be using, and it will tell you how much lye you need for that recipe. The calculator takes into...
  6. freemotion

    Natural dewormer

    Yes, I agree, but meanwhile, we need to keep the ones we have both alive and producing well. If we keep them confined, as in a pasture, we limit their natural choices. Remember, shepherds and goatherds would take the flocks out to graze/browse. A small family usually can't do this...
  7. freemotion

    healthy vegetarian

    Exactly, BBH. They started out with a lot "in the bank" so the poor choices later didn't put them too far off track. And all that raw milk and good eggs.....whole foods, etc....that is how it should be done. Pass the CHEESE!!! :D
  8. freemotion

    healthy vegetarian

    I believe people can only be successful vegetarians (if they are among the very few who can be healthy this way....NOT vegan, there is plenty of evidence that humans cannot successfully be totally vegan) if they are either very wealthy and employ a cook or if they are willing to do pretty much...
  9. freemotion

    Natural dewormer

    It is time to harvest the black walnuts if you plan on making your own dewormer in the next year or so. This is the only time to get the hulls, so even if you THINK you MIGHT want to make your own in the next year or two, get out there and pick some. You need the green hulls from nuts that...
  10. freemotion

    Soap Making 101

    I also use a dollar store dishpan....that is what those soaps in those pictures were molded in. The catbox is bigger for a bigger batch. An 8-10 quart dishpan is perfect for a batch using about 5 lbs of oils. If you want to make goat's milk soap, a plastic mold works better. The wooden molds...