Search results

  1. freemotion

    Permaculture, Regrarians, etc. 2017

    Do you get flowers? I had this issue with all the fruit on my property and finally figured out they weren't getting pollinated. I started hand pollinating with an artist brush and started getting fruit on my property. Now I have bee hives. Now I check the flowers for pollinators because many...
  2. freemotion

    Permaculture, Regrarians, etc. 2017

    Based on this definition, my entire property and life qualifies as permaculture! Yay! I thought it was more about the word "permanent," as in not replanting, etc., and setting up companion planting to mimic the wild. I'm probably combining hugelculture with permaculture, though, since I was...
  3. freemotion

    Permaculture, Regrarians, etc. 2017

    Right now I have apples, pears, raspberries, grapes, gooseberries, currants, peaches, strawberries, plums, rhubarb, spearmint, peppermint, scallions, walking onions, potatoes, parsnips, radishes, oregano, wormwood, comfrey, lemon balm, catnip, feverfew, chives, black walnuts, goji berries, sage...
  4. freemotion

    Anyone use a steam juicer?

    Well, I don't drink juice, make jelly, or need/want juice in general. However..... Once in a while I get a craving for soda and mix the juice of a lime with some stevia and a can of seltzer. I recently strained some canned autumnberry puree that was getting a bit old and used the juice in...
  5. freemotion

    What to use for heat??

    We got new windows and doors and our heating bill was cut at least in half. Maybe 2/3 less, hard to tell yet as the winter was a bit mild. Then a bit cold. Then a bit mild. get the idea. But we are warm enough for the first time ever. We chose wood because if worse comes to...
  6. freemotion

    Natural animal care

    Oh, and yes, my dogs are on a fully raw diet. I get New Zealand lamb shanks by the 40+ lb box for about $3 per pound. Each successive dog had been smaller than the previous one, for this reason. The latest, Guy (pronounced en francais, ghee) is about 15 lbs at a year old. Gunnar, his...
  7. freemotion

    Natural animal care

    My new holistic vet told me to put a drop of rose geranium eo on the dog's back neck before walking them to repel ticks. A drop at each end of the spine for larger dogs. NOT for cats, though. I make a fly spray for my goats that works rather well, at least long enough for them to go out and...
  8. freemotion

    Permaculture, Regrarians, etc. 2017

    I've done this for 4 years now. I will never go back! I just had a detailed soil test done on my gardens and another one done on my pastures. Keep in mind that my gardens were made in the middle of my pastures when I tell you that the soil test for the gardens came out pretty close to perfect...
  9. freemotion

    How are you an expert?

    A very basic mustard is just mustard powder. For hotter mustard, mix with cold water and let it sit a while and then add an acid, like ACV. The acid stops the heat from continuing to build. Let it sit for at least 24 hours as it will go through a bitter stage. For less heat, use warm water...
  10. freemotion

    How are you an expert?

    Here or in another topic? I make the ketchup recipe from the old Fannie Farmer cookbook and it is fabulous. I make mustard with mustard and turmeric powders, whole mustard seeds, salt, ACV, and garlic and onion wines. Yum. egg and a yoke, salt, pepper, onion and garlic powders...
  11. freemotion

    How are you an expert?

    Which foods in particular? There are so many! And more being added all the time.
  12. freemotion

    How are you an expert?

    There is always more to learn but I am pretty self-sufficient in many ways. Mostly food. I grow most of our food and make everything from scratch. I process our pigs and poultry, making the lard, bacon, sausage, etc. I grind any flour we use. I make all condiments and freeze, can, and...
  13. freemotion

    Not new but....

    Maybe returning. I heard of some changes here so thought I'd stick my toe back in the waters.
  14. freemotion

    Frustration with Food rant

    Gardenweasel (who hasn't posted on this thread since the first post), I'd be happy to have a supportive discussion with you privately on this subject. I also struggled with this and came up with solutions that work for me that you might find useful. Moolie, from your comments, I frankly do...
  15. freemotion

    Using every last drop of the pigs we harvested...

    A quick little video to let you know I'm still lurking out there.... Here I am talking about how I'm going to use every last drop of the fat from our pigs. I am finishing up my C-grade lard tonight (finally!). My critters (hens and dogs) will get their share of the vitamins from the fat of...
  16. freemotion

    Sufficient Self Forum - Let's have a heart-to-heart

    Also for the record.....kstaven has been very helpful to me on byh and has given me a lot of good advice on dealing with things pertaining to milking and caring for my lactating does in an organic way. Stuff that gets slammed on the forum so we took the conversation into pm. I like him a lot...
  17. freemotion

    Sufficient Self Forum - Let's have a heart-to-heart

    For the record, Elevan NEVER sent me an inappropriate pm. Yes, I was annoyed by newbie stuff, but I am not that easily offended, really. Everyone says things in the heat of the moment, myself included, and I try to give myself a few days to settle down if my feathers get ruffled. I will...
  18. freemotion

    Where did everyone go?

    Apologies help, too.
  19. freemotion

    Where did everyone go?

    I have to jump in at this point and say that I left (but still obviously lurk on occasion, always enjoyed many of the people and idea exchange here) not because of forum posts but because of a series of very nasty pm's. It was just too much. I came here to relax and that was NOT relaxing. My...
  20. freemotion

    video of Plum and Dorian...

    ...rated G, worry not! I made this for all my cityfolk friends who get concerned about my callous shoving of girl goats in with the boy goat whether they want to or not.....hee-hee!