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  1. ducks4you

    Winemaking project: Pictures page 6!

    I gotta know--does winemaking really work well, if you freeze your juice first? I am in the middle of harvesting apples, peaches and Concord grapes. I've been just freezing the grapes, because I have to deal with the peaches, or else they go bad. You see, I didn't prune back either my peach...
  2. ducks4you

    So is the s*%t starting to hit the fan for you?

    :gig One of the DUMBEST people I've ever met was the farmer who rented me a turnout with shelter for my horses for 14 years. HIS father had numerous old chicken buildings and an egg business that supplied the twin cities (Champaign-Urbana, IL, population ~ 100K then) with most of their eggs...
  3. ducks4you

    Coffee Recipes Needed!!

    :drool A cup of coffee (or equivalent) is like a cup of :love **sigh**
  4. ducks4you

    Building a Storm Window

    I know that a lot of people on this particular forum are builders. I'm building my chicken coop now. I could do lots of things to winterize my coop windows, but I'd really like to build them three storm windows just like the one that came with my 100 year old house, for the winter. I want...
  5. ducks4you

    Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...

    I am so sorry. :( I'm praying for you and yours. :hugs
  6. ducks4you

    What are you Freezing Today?

    Frozen okra, and I cut my beets and froze them in reusable plastic freezer boxes, to make into pickled beets later on. I'll probably freeze some of my peaches, because I don't have enough time to can them all, and they won't keep like the apples do.
  7. ducks4you

    Dutch oven recipe suggestions?

    I have a very old, iron dutch oven. I like to cook with it in the oven to make roasts, small fowl, and over the stove recipes like Beef Stroganoff, and meaty spaghetti sauce, because it holds heat well, and is heavy and sturdy. I even wash the bottom in my diswasher, but I always hand wash the...
  8. ducks4you

    Cat question

    D'awww!!! Sweet kittie!!! City folks just DON'T KNOW what a high concentration of mice will do--mice are little devils and MUST BE EATEN!! I know what you mean. We had a really cute 7 month old black male kitten come to our barn this Spring. He hung around ONLY long enough for my Vet to give...
  9. ducks4you

    BIG NEWS!!!

    VERY :yuckyuck I am SO happy for you!! ...and, a little bit jealous--DH spent his summers in Georgetown, and has a 2nd cousin in Downieville. We, as a family have been out to CO lots and lots of times, but couldn't figure out how to making a living out there. You go, girl...
  10. ducks4you

    What are you Freezing Today?

    Grapes (Concord) and okra.
  11. ducks4you

    Cat question

    My cat, "Clever" (male) also kills frogs...and birds...and baby rabbits. His sister, "Favorite", pretty much sticks to just mice. HOWEVER, the dogs have been finding wild bunny nests and sharing with the cats. Favorite and Clever, 2006 (sister and brother) She was the only tabby, looked like...
  12. ducks4you

    Cat question

    Make a cat-friendly place in one or more of your outbuildings. If you can, cut them a cat door, so that they can get away from bigger predators. WHATEVER you do, PLEASE PLEASE feed them!!! :fl The farmer where I kept my horses for the first 14 years wouldn't feed any of his cats. They were...
  13. ducks4you

    N.Y. lawmakers hatch plan to require salmonella vaccinations

    AMEN! I do kinda the same--if they don't get washed, they have a bowl on the counter with 1/4 hardware cloth on the bottom. If they're really dirty, I wash them, and store in a plastic egg carton, and keep them in the fridge.
  14. ducks4you

    Simple yet beautiful pillowcases

    Don't feel bad--there are SO many fabrics that don't shrink, now, so you'll probably gonna be okay. I think the video also talked about using scraps, or recycling fabrics for this project. I really liked the video--thanks for sharing. I was expecting her to put cording inside of the 2 inch...
  15. ducks4you

    Ducky in the Morning (Pix)

    Yeah--me, too!! :hugs
  16. ducks4you

    So is the s*%t starting to hit the fan for you?

    Expect shortages and **gulp** some people going hungry. I believe that we need to do everything we know in order to be prepared for the inevitable downturn the first 1/2 of 2011. I do not take my ideas from the media's stories. Instead, think of how people react when they are about to be hit...
  17. ducks4you

    Ducky in the Morning (Pix)

    Nope. Just more work and right now I'm building a chicken coop, training two 4 yr old geldings, painting my horse trailer, chopping down weed trees all over my 5 acres--and I work. I am the only "duck" on the property. Guess I'm the head-duck. Ask my DD's--I peck!! Could SOMEBODY invent a...
  18. ducks4you

    Ducky in the Morning (Pix)

    D-AWWWW!!!! :love It's ALL that I can do to keep my getting a duck!! **ducks4you in Great Denial, just like the river**
  19. ducks4you

    Ready for the Global Currency, the Bancor?

    " of the mega-powerful institutions that is actually RUINing the world economy...making the "Special Drawing Right(s)"(SDR's) To use our tax money to play with. Look at Europe and how they mucked THAT up!!! :somad I'LL give you an analogy--Consider the American people in 2010 like a pot...
  20. ducks4you

    shopping bags made from feed bags

    We've been having some great sales on canned goods and meat lately--how about you? BTW, got a new Avatar from the book, "Farmer Duck" :D