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  1. ducks4you

    100 Items to Disappear First

    Thanks for the GREAT post!! BTW, I think coffee goes bad after awhile. I grind my own beans. Is there a way to store it to slow this down? :caf <--yes, I KNOW this is punny
  2. ducks4you

    Going to look at a farm tomorrow.

    Me, TOO!!! Sounds like you're just the type to handle this place. Keep us posted! :fl
  3. ducks4you

    Compost from kitchen to pile~what's YOUR system?

    I don't leave it around. I have to go the barn 2x/day to take care of the chickens and the horses. I have 2-3 bags that go out with me. One bag is for egg shells, orange peels, coffee grounds (with the coffee filter)--this gets dumped in the garden (winter), or gets dumped in the compost pile...
  4. ducks4you

    What kind of floor do you have?

    Have you considered linoleum? (NO, I DON'T been vinyl--there's a difference!) Linoleum was invented in 1865. It's made of natural materials. You repair nicks with same material. It's VERY hard wearing. Just a thought...
  5. ducks4you

    Can we talk lake maintence?

    I would start with contacting the attorney who handled the closing for you, to discuss your property rights before you do ANYTHING. Law suits by other owners can get tricky if you overstep your legal bounds. Sometimes people must get work permits to change parts of their property. Witness the...
  6. ducks4you

    Interesting to me- reasons

    All good reasons, and I understand. When I was an undergraduate my piano professor suggested that I get someone else to teach my daughters how to play. Why? Because, she said, you'll never get around to doing it yourself!! She was right, and that's probably why my 3 DD's play violin and...
  7. ducks4you

    Guess what DrakeMaiden?? She's in business!! Ah Ducks...

    Maybe, some of the farm publications--Hobbie Farms publishes, for one. I know that there isn't any rush--I almost think you could contact children's book publishers, BUT, you will want to create a copy with a watermark, like this photo that we bought from a local newspaper~ I found it like...
  8. ducks4you

    Guess what DrakeMaiden?? She's in business!! Ah Ducks...

    You have GOT to get that photo up for more people to see! You couldn't pose that on purpose for a million bucks--it is SSOOOO CUUUTTEE!!!
  9. ducks4you

    Top 10 Toxic Products

    Yep--I think it's Dasani bottled water--straight from the Mahomet aquifer, right here in central Illinois. WHAT a rip-off!!
  10. ducks4you

    Would you go back to this vet?

    I'll TRY to make this 1988 story short. "Clark", our Basset x Golden Retriever/Irish Setter mix, runs out in front of a car at dusk. The driver ISN'T going fast, he stops to see what happened, we don't blame him, we call over to our Vet. She says to bring the dog in. We leave Clark at the...
  11. ducks4you

    Wal-Mart Mishap, would you demand a refund, or free item?

    :lau UNLESS I was bringing the cake to a total stranger, my FRIENDS would believe that I ASKED for it that way!!! :gig What were they thinking, throwing it away, and making a big fuss--It's obvious that they themselves didn't bake/frost it, so what's the big deal?!?!?
  12. ducks4you

    Rolling on the floor.....

    :yuckyuck :gig
  13. ducks4you

    mini green house / seed starter cover plan??

    Like SHE said--You GO GIRL!!!! Get them seldings planted!!! :bun (Ignore your critics. They need to get cleaning their floors with a toothbrush, to keep 'em occupied.)
  14. ducks4you

    Cooking from the stash

    We call this (with variations), "Slops." :lol:
  15. ducks4you

    Diary of a Demented Snow Shoveler

    My Neighbors with snowmobiles are having a blast!! :lol:
  16. ducks4you

    Spaghetti Sauce

    You COULD open the jars, make some sauce, and use new lids to can the sauce. I did just that with grapes when I experimented with grape jelly last year. Some of it was emptied and canned twice. There is so much acid in those tomatoes that it's hard to have your sauce go bad, unless you can it...
  17. ducks4you

    Diary of a Demented Snow Shoveler

    Hardly HAD to use our snowblower since we've moved to the country ten years ago--I KNOW we're supposed to get more, but Peoria and Indianapolis ALWAYS get more snow that we do in C-U--EXCEPT FOR THIS YEAR. Blew out a path around the horse trailer and in front of the barn in anticipation of...
  18. ducks4you

    Winter Storm deep is your snow?

    Sheep Snow at Night ooooooooooooooooooooooooo, ssscccaaarrryyy!!!!!!!! :hide
  19. ducks4you

    Winter Storm deep is your snow?

    Snowing Sheep~ from--
  20. ducks4you

    Ya know it's been a long winter when.......

    They just got their tax bills.