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  1. Cindlady2

    HELP!!! I need a recipe for homemade ointment mine is to waxy

    Don't panic. Just melt down what you have and add some olive oil. Add a little at a time then take a spoon full out and let cool. Check for texture. Add more oil until you get the texture you want. Add a little ascorbic acid (vitm.C) to help preserve. If you feel it will be too weak, add more...
  2. Cindlady2

    Thinking about processing a few old chickens

    Yes. I would try to fatten them up a bit more before butcher. Skinning and plucking would both be harder. I have heard of people scalding for up to 5 min then ice water before trying to skin. I never tried it. For cooking any tough meat.... I love my pressure cooker! If you want to split...
  3. Cindlady2

    Empty cans...

    The problem with using steel cans in the garden or with water... steel + water = rust!
  4. Cindlady2

    Broodys all over the place!

    Dose anyone know how well turkeys do with hatching chicks (chickens)? She has 3 eggs of her own but "the girls" have been laying eggs for her. I let her keep about 6 chicken eggs. One chicken hen hatched a couple of days ago, and another hatched today, the other hen should hatch in a day or 2...
  5. Cindlady2

    Broodys all over the place!

    WOW... congrats on the hatch that hen deserves extra treats and loven'!
  6. Cindlady2

    Chicken question and update

    Yes, you are better off putting it in the shade to help negate summer heat. Chickens have a harder time with heat than they do with cold. Make sure they have good ventilation too. Even summer nights can get too hot.
  7. Cindlady2

    Dead rooster

    I feel for all the losses! I've had a few hard hits in the last few months myself. I lost a roo that I was "buttering up" to be tame and sire my girls for egg layers. He was a nice Australop cross I raised from egg. I put him in the part of the coop I store feed and planed on giving him a harem...
  8. Cindlady2

    Broodys all over the place!

    Denim.... You realize that not all breeds go broody. and even the breeds that do, not all hens will brood. I have no experience with enticing a hen to go broody. nor have I heard of anyone who has. (Not to say it hasn't happen) If you want a good brood hen I would check for breeds that have a...
  9. Cindlady2

    Broodys all over the place!

    Yea, I know it has to do with the light, in part. I've had them start trying to brood in Feb. It's just easier to break them when it's cold. I usually have them stagger out their broods too. It's just everyone seemed to go "yup, it's time NOW!" Never had so many go all at once. So far the black...
  10. Cindlady2

    Broodys all over the place!

    LOL It's finally spring here in southern Wisconsin! It was a late spring for us and as a result my girls decided to go broody within a few weeks! I have one that just hatched 11 chicks. I had 4 others go broody but one (young one) I got to break. Good thing, she was in the loft and hard to...
  11. Cindlady2

    How Do You Cook - Recipe or Wing It

    I'm a seat of the pants cook too. I started at a very young age when my great grandmother lived with us. My mother worked, so when my great grandma died my mom would leave "instructions" how to start dinner. By the time I was 12 I was doing most of the cooking without instructions. LOL I took...
  12. Cindlady2

    Does anyone here have or know about MS

    :hugs Just take it a day at a time and keep as active as you can be! :bun
  13. Cindlady2

    What kind of bread pans do you like?

    The cheap aluminium pans are about the only kind I've had good results in.
  14. Cindlady2

    First dewberries of the season!

    :barnie we just got rid of SNOW!!!!! Spring is way late this year around here!
  15. Cindlady2

    Does anyone here have or know about MS

    Yea, waiting is hard! Doing all you can for as long as you can is important! I don't think my son does as much as he could, but in part it's my fault too. I have health issues of my own to fight and sometimes it's easier on me not to push or help him do things he should or could. I do make him...
  16. Cindlady2

    Does anyone here have or know about MS

    My oldest son has one of the more aggressive forms of MS. He will be 38 in a couple of months. He was diagnosed about 10 years ago and has been using a walker for about 5 years now. There are many forms of MS. Hopefully, if it is MS you have one of the milder types. Good Luck and may your...
  17. Cindlady2


    LMAO.... Popping chicks like popcorn!? ooops
  18. Cindlady2

    Food in freezer

    I am very short (under 5') so I have issues with chest freezers. :/ There was an incident many years ago involving a turkey in the bottom back corner that has me a bit paranoid with chest freezers. :rolleyes: As a result. I lay down milk jugs 3/4 full of water on the bottom with a board over the...
  19. Cindlady2


    I am assuming that you have your own chickens so you can trust your eggs. That is one of the reasons I wanted chickens! So many recalls and scares about supermarket eggs and chickens I couldn't take it anymore! Besides the fact that those eggs have no taste! :sick Now that I have my own eggs I'm...
  20. Cindlady2

    Rooster Processing

    I'm right there with ya baymule! It was about 30 years since I processed any birds too and it took a bit to get back it the swing of it. The first one I kinda messed up because I got the order of cutting a bit mixed up. but after that it went well. Very nice that your grand daughter was willing...