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  1. Cindlady2

    Biochar...anyone doing it?

    Yup, that's what we do. Spread it out, let it dry good, light it up! Some times you have to 'help' it burn even but yes, kills allot of weeds and seeds. Then when you till it up it mixes in. Each year it works it's way a little deeper and decomposes more and more. I feel it works well, It's free...
  2. Cindlady2

    Pallets?? you get the GOOD ones!!!! I noticed in the ones we get there is at least 7 kinds. (Hubby works for a restaurant supply warehouse and gets them there) We also get scrap wood to burn from a place that I think recycles them. (hubby picks it up) And I noticed 1 place is making them with...
  3. Cindlady2

    Who among you has defended the United States in Uniform?

    Hubby was a corpsmen for 8 years and my 2nd son did 8 as Marine. His ship was the 2nd one in Afghanistan after 9/11.
  4. Cindlady2

    Rooster value

    Andy, I feel for ya.... last year I had a broody hatch 5 chicks... 4 were roos! I will say though, the 1 hen is the prettiest mixed hen I have! My son is building me a plucker.... soon as it' s done... most of the boys I have left (including the new hatches from this year) are goin' campin'!
  5. Cindlady2

    MEAT BIRDS THREAD ~Plans, pics, pens, pluckers, processing! GRAPHIC!

    :ya We were suppose to split an order of turkeys put they got shipped to the wrong place and 1/2 were lost... :( Glad you can enjoy yours! ;)
  6. Cindlady2

    Biochar...anyone doing it?

    I can only say what I have done and what a neighbor when I was growing up did, who had the most awesome 1-1/2 acre garden I ever saw! At least 1 cover of chicken coop waste on the entire garden in the fall. Mixed with kitchen waste the chickens didn't get. Burn off in early spring (what I do)...
  7. Cindlady2

    Best Trade of the Year!!

    You got a point! Sometimes when you help out without any thought of getting anything back.... is when you get the most out of it! But then... beware of "users"!
  8. Cindlady2

    Rooster value

    I haven't done half bad with my roos. In the last few months I sold 1 blue Ameracauna for $15 sold a Gold comet/dorking for $10 and traded an Ameracauna roo for a EE pullet! Not great... but not shabby.
  9. Cindlady2

    Best Trade of the Year!!

    Oh... I few years ago at a flea market I was admiring some nicely tanned deer hides but I was too broke to buy any. I got to talking with the guy and he asked what I would do with them. I told him I can make some really cool beaded purses. I explained what they were and he was very interested...
  10. Cindlady2

    Fence chickens or fence garden?

    Last year we fenced the garden but still had issues with raccoons and few other things that are not fence proof. I used welded wire but needed to add fencing elsewhere and was broke so I used that fencing since the garden was done anyway. This year I think I will go for netted fencing from...
  11. Cindlady2

    Best Trade of the Year!!

    My husband barters what he can for things, this last winter the guy we buy wood from (when we have to buy) had his truck break down. Hubby delivered 2 cords of wood in our truck (took 4 trips but only 10 miles a trip) and we got a cord free! Cost us less than $50 to do. I traded an EE roo for a...
  12. Cindlady2

    Are we close to SHTF scenario?

    Hummm.... I grew up during "the Cold War". Bomb shelters in the back yard and "Duck and Cover" drills in school. Parents and grandparents went through wars and "The Depression". I'm sure their parents had their times of strife and doom. Someone somewhere is always saying "The End Is Near!" My...
  13. Cindlady2

    Scrounging became CRIMINAL this weekend...

    LMAO!!!! That song used to roll around in my head so often!!! :lau Thanks for posting the lyrics!!! Dang we must be a bunch of :old coots! LOL
  14. Cindlady2

    Dawn dish soap

    Dawn is the #1 soap around here too... use it for almost everything! Clothes pretreatment, critter wash, diluted in a spray for cleaning the greasy stove, a few drops in the dish washer, and more. If my hair is extra oily I I put a few drops in my hand with the shampoo! The only drawback I find...
  15. Cindlady2

    Survival Homesteading

    As far as chickens go... I would say about 30 and 2 or 3 roos. You'll probably want some good dual purpose breeds that go broody. Australorps are my #1 pick. But look into "reds" and other heavy breeds that are good layers. Keep your best broodies, layers and at least 2 roos over winter and send...
  16. Cindlady2

    pvc uses

    I have a friend that has a spinning wheel made of pvc. I've made cage frames (covered in hardware cloth) because I wanted them light weight and water proof. It's cool stuff to work with and fairly cheap. Thanks for the link!
  17. Cindlady2

    Chick Sales

    It sounds like you can sell meat bird pretty easy. That's good. How many towns in your area allow small flocks? 3-6 hens. These are the people that generally want a mix of pure breads and the fancier types. You could also look into the local 4-H clubs. Getting tired... all I can think of now...
  18. Cindlady2

    Chick Sales

    I'm starting them at $2.00 because they are all mixed. Although the fathers to them all are Ameracaunas.
  19. Cindlady2

    SufficientSelf's Chicken Thread!!!

    Here's the 'bator babies This is the current broody... that space she is in is only 4" high! Took me days to find her. No Cochin eggs in that nest!