I am still not sure if my issue is gluten or just wheat. Either way, there were symptims that were not diagnosed when I was a child.
Ear infections, tonsilitis, frequent colds and flu, and...the biggie..... HYPERACTIVITY. If i were a kid in school today I would so be on ridalin! Then as a...
i was planning on stocking up anyway. Now to figure out a way to keep hubby out of the peanut butter! He is terrible and has no self control. i will have to sneak it in to the house when he isnt looking. :P
Riff tracks are commentary tracks you play along side movies so you get the "Mystery Science Theater" experience :D
It's done by the main writer that was on MST3K.
I am picking up episodes of MST3K as I find them on sale on DVD. I so miss that show!
the two primary causes of horrible acne are a high glycemic diet or dairy. Usually it is the high GI diet, so that is a good place to start. Eliminating wheat would get the GI level down right quick.