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  1. G

    Sunchokes- Jerusalem Artichokes

    Finally finished digging the rest of the fartichokes and made a wonderful tasting cream of soup. Spent the night between the crapper and the hot water bottle. DH farted his way through three states (trucker). The rest are in trash bags holding down my tarp. Next experiment will be something I...
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    Tax Time Help

    Thanks ChaneyLake girl. I tend to get ahead of myself and cause my self more stress. I just worry about trying to do so much I am not really qualified for, but not paying out money I can't afford kinda makes me a Jack of all Trades.
  3. G

    Tax Time Help

    I am receiving an annuity payment from my late mother's policy for the next five years. They asked at the bank if I wanted them to withhold the taxes and I said yes. They withheld 10%, do I still have to report the rest as income? I can't seem to find an answer on the net and I really don't want...
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    Zone Heating

    Here's my story. Rambling cold brick house, DH on the road 5-6 days a week, electric heat pump that blows cold air, skinny cold, old woman. Read about zone heating and just ordered 2 Pelonis ceramic space heaters. I can't stand the thermostat below 72 in the day and much less than 70 at night...
  5. G

    Fun recipes needed here to help feed a family when the money runs out

    Hamburger gravy. My dad's mother's recipe adapted by my mom. We called it Gobblety-Goo. Fried hamburger and onions then sprinkled with as much flour as you needed to stretch with gravy. Canned green bean liquid, always green beans on the side, over mashed potatoes so you could use the potato...
  6. G

    Beer, Wine and Mead Makers Thread

    Just bottled up my very first batch of strawberry wine. We got 10 1.75 bottles of it! It is a little dry for me but DH and the egg customer who turned me on to making it said it was lovely. I tried it last night again using the syrup from a failed batch of Strawberry-Black Pepper jam and it was...
  7. G

    24 lbs of sausage

    Just cleared the freezer enough room for a cheap turkey when over the road DH announced joyfully he had overage of 2 cases of pork sausage. Not complaining but I needed that space for a turkey. Possible to pressure can sausage? I only have regular mouth quart jars left and don't want to purchase...
  8. G


    Canned up 6 qts and 1 pint of sweet potatoes in turkey broth for soups. Had some honking huge sweets and a turkey carcass and misc. veggie scraps frozen and neeeded room in the freezer. I didn't parboil the taters and just added an extra 10 minutes, all sealed and look great. Hopefully will not...
  9. G


    Britesea love your cracker recipe. Neko-chan, I found a wonderful website that has lots of recipes, it is So much info I forgot which grain flour I was going to get at our Mennonite store. It was spelt, so I will get it next time.
  10. G

    on your to-do list

    If I didn't make lists I would forget most things and sit on the couch and watch Food Network all day. My to do list this month- finish clearing and fertilizing my spring cabbage,etc. plot and cover it with black plastic so I don't have to wait for DH and the weather to come together. Finish...
  11. G

    Sunchokes- Jerusalem Artichokes

    Just started harvesting one of 10 sunchoke plants. We tried them and they are ok but supposedly can cause digestive upset if eaten liberally. Main reason for growth was as chicken feed so happily boiled up a big pot and put them out for the hens. Nada-no way. One bite and a wiped beak. I will...
  12. G


    Thanks AnnaRaven! Bought 10 more lbs of gold something potatoes on sale. Got to get out the wide mouth jars. Yeah. Picked almost all my tomatoes last night- frost warning and they were right so will be canning about 20 lbs as they go from green to red.
  13. G

    Stock up alert!

    Found a deal on peanut butter at my local IGA. 18 oz jars 2/$3 this week so stocked up on 12 for the year until new crop of peanuts. Have to put a heads up on sunflower seeds, 50 lb sack for chickens last year $18 this year $36. That was my go to for winter treats, maybe not so much now. Grew a...
  14. G

    What are you DEHYDRATING today?

    This is gonna sound dumb but I dehydrated 5 lbs if taters as hash browns and proudly showed my husband. So he asked how do you make them into hash browns. I said " I don't know" He said, so why do it. Somebody help me out here.
  15. G


    Anna Raven, please give details for your canned fries and how they are prepared after opening. Have 5 lbs potatoes waiting.
  16. G

    Stock up alert!

    Peanuts and peanut butter. 20%-40% may have already happened or will soon. Still working on the case I bought last year but will be checking prices now.
  17. G

    Really cool garden catalog

    Stumbling around on the internet looking for can't remember what, found Sustainable Seed Co. In their heirloom garden collections was a poultry packet. Ok not that unusual but I looked. I LOVED that the collection specified how much of each crop you would need to plant to raise 10 chickens plus...
  18. G

    What did you do to save $ today?

    Not trying to hijack this thread, AnnaRaven could you post your method of canning potatoes for fries in the kitchen thread?
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    Nourishing Traditions and other Recipes for a Better Health

    The recipe for fermented beans is worth the price of the book for me. I just use a ton of garlic in it. Brings tears of joy.
  20. G

    What did you do to save $ today?

    Went grocery shopping yesterday and the produce guy was cleaning out the leaf lettuce bins. I know most chain stores can't give away produce that is going bad but I asked any way. He said he couldn't give it away but sometimes sold old produce to people to feed the deer. All told I got a grocery...