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    True Southerner

    The first time I heard my mother in law say "give me some sugar" I was totally confused...
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    pregnant on the farm

    So, I haven't told anyone but my husband, but it appears that I am pregnant (pretty early on, about 5 weeks, hence why I'm not saying anything to anyone in real life). My life is quite a bit different since the last time I was expecting- namely, we're actively farming now and my chores are both...
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    BOT fly eggs/ Ticks (need advice, totally clueless)

    So, we've got a nice old horse that lives on the farm. She doesn't belong to us, but the folks that brought her out have been absent for a years and we like her company. Anyway, tonite she was really trying to scratch the curve of her belly, in front of her hip. I went over to scratch and I...
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    Chance to have two free rabbits- we're totally clueless. Advice?

    Thank you for the input, all of you! I really appreciate it! I ended up taking a page from Beekissed's book and let this opportunity roll on by. When speaking with my daughter about whether or not she wanted to take the rabbits, she told me that she didn't want the bunnies to be homeless but she...
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    Chance to have two free rabbits- we're totally clueless. Advice?

    So, it goes against my cardinal rule of the farm which is "never add an animal before you're prepared" but so far, just about everything has broken that rule. Our neighbor has two rabbits that his grandchildren can't move with them- they are some kind of dwarf/belted/ scottish ? (like I said, I...
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    Cat people- Sick kitten, advice needed

    Thanks for your replies, everyone! We went to the vet this a.m. and she was kind of surprised to not find any worms in the mom (Scraps) or the kitten (Chuck). I took all six kittens along and the rest got a clean bill of health. Chuck and Scraps will be on antibiotics in case it's something...
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    Cat people- Sick kitten, advice needed

    Hi there, We had a stray cat show up at the farm a few months back and, no surprise, she was pregnant. She had the babies in the garage and has really turned into a tolerant sweetheart w/ us. 5 weeks ago she had 6 babies- all survived. 2 black tabbies and 4 grey tabbies. All babies have been in...
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    How do you store your extra feed?

    With all the forecasts saying that the cost of feed is only going to go up, I suspect many folks will be buying more now in hopes of avoiding the increase for as long as possible. I've heard of people storing grain in broken chest freezers, but are there any other waterproof/ rodent proof...
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    Dog diagnosed with partially torn knee cap

    My boy Jack hurt his leg playing 2 weeks ago. It'd get better for a while, then he'd re-injure it and be stuck limping around on 3 legs. We went to the vet last week and she diagnosed him with a partially torn kneecap and said I need to take some weight off him and keep him pretty inactive for a...
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    I need advice on storing bedding (ramble)

    Thank you for all your replies! I am currently weighing the options you've so generously provided but I had to chime in and let you guys know my experience with the vacuum bags: I had quite a respectable collection of vintage table linens. They were all washed and starched and carefully stored...
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    funny animal pics

    Aww, very cute indeed!
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    I need advice on storing bedding (ramble)

    Hello! I'm attempting to get my family moved in to the house we've lived in for nine years:/ I realized that we never really made a place for anything, rather things just kind of ended up wherever they ended up and stayed that way... maddening! Anyway, I have a lot of comforters, sheets and...
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    Wine Ointment for Pulled Tendon

    Ha ha ha, well I'm glad it helped! Reminds me of my friend's dad saying he needed cold glass to press against his hurt knee- only thing we had in a glass bottle was beer. I naively brought him one, which he really did hold on his knee for a good while, then drank it since it had gotten warm and...
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    Extreme Couponing

    I know this is an old thread, but I was searching for coupling advice on here and it came up- we're new to online coupons and I'm curious if people here use them ( and are the two I've looked at so far). Both want me to install their own custom printing program and...
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    Those with children? Having some major issues!!!

    I think four is a little too young to be giving the killing any deep thought, so I wouldn't be thinking "serial killer" either. I'm curious to know- what his reaction when he sees the dead bodies and is asked what happened? I'm a hard arse about these things- we had a young visitor on our farm...
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    Where to buy leghold traps (advice on weasels?)

    I've got a weasel around my chicken houses and I don't think I can get it w/ the live trap (so far just a bunch of 'coons and opossums). From what I understand, not many options besides a leghold trap in a weasel jug. Do you have any online sites you trust for quality and price? Also, I welcome...
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    Can't explain sudden death of 2-month-old rabbits

    I have never raised rabbits, but when I read the "4 days of rain" I thought I'd ask about Coccidiosis. If we get a lot of rain and some of my chickens take ill, you can almost bet that'll be the cause. I hope every one else stays healthy!
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    anyone have tips for starting ground cherries and sunberries ?

    This is my third year growing ground cherries and they have given me more fits than the "finicky" tomatoes I also like. I've had good luck soaking the seeds before I plant them, then I put them in a peat pellet/ soil block and germinate them at about 60 degrees in a tupperware box. As soon as...
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    Rhoda asked... story from the SS lifestyle

    Hey, I was born in the disco era- don't be callin' it "the good old days". Ha ha ha, good story- nice writing. Your style reminds me of Michael Perry