That is one thing I miss from when I lived on the west coast was fresh avocados, EVERYWHERE! If they are avocados in the store and they are ripe they cost about $2 each!
Glad you didn't have to go to the ER for that yellow jacket sting! This summer was the first year both of my kids got stung by bees. I didn't know if they would have an allergic reaction. Thank goodness they didn't because we live an hour from the closest ER. Hope you continue to feel well! ;)
Last night my 2yr old DD stood on a toy trying to reach into the toy box and slipped and busted her chin. We went to the ER (there was fat hanging out :sick ) and they put some of that Derma-glue on it. She's doing great! Sorry to hear about your DS, silly boyz! Also when I was trying to get the...
Yesterday we went to the Smithfield Farmer's Market. We got some veggies, cheese, and this lil' teddy bear made from Alpaca fur. Isn't it cute? :love This is my daughter with her bunny and her new Alpaca bear. She just woke up, notice the bed head and sleepy eyes? :P I also got a Essential oil...
I hung our clothes out on our brand new clothesline today and I love it!! It was peaceful and nostalgic pinning the clothes to the line. I washed two loads and while I was hanging the second load I checked the t-shirts from the first load and they were already dry! :ep I also used some vinegar...
I can't wait to see pics of the Freedom Rangers, hint, hint. ;)
We have a well and when we lose power our pump doesn't work so we lose water too. We have a 500 gallon water tank but it's empty. We need to get the gutters put on the house so we can fill it back up. I figure it would probably...
I'm pretty excited I found an animal rescue/education center not to far away. She said she would take guts, feet, and whole birds (of course). She has a puma and a jaguar to feed......among a ton of other animals.
Sounds like a productive day overall. I hate when things don't go as I planned either or when I don't have time to finish projects I started. I'm glad you got the chickens done, let me know how the gutting goes. Will you be soaking the chickens in a brine? I think I've heard of others doing that...